Last week, a 95-year-old man named Bill called BBC Radio Solent because he felt ‘so alone’. His call resonated with listeners so much, the show decided to invite him in.
Bill, who’s from Southampton and listens to Radio Solent every day, called into Alex Dyke’s mid-morning show on finding love later in life.
He married his wife Sheila on June 2 last year at the age of 95.
They had been friends for 30 years and, after Sheila’s husband died, Bill took over the roll of her carer. They eventually decided to marry. But, shortly after, Sheila had a fall. She was taken into hospital and then moved into a nursing home, where she now lives. She has dementia and colitis.
Although he visits Sheila every day, when asked if he felt lonely by Alex, Bill responded ‘I feel so alone’.
His story touched the presenter that he invited Bill in to have coffee on… Read the full story