If there’s one place in the world where you can think deeply about your life, question the world and discover your well-hidden talents, it’s the shower.
Some of the thoughts that occur in your mind while you give yourself a shampoo mohawk can be pretty odd… but let’s be honest, we all have them.
Here’s 27 thoughts every girl has had in the shower, at some point or other.
1. Is is just me or do I sound like Beyonce in here? The acoustics are so good.
2. Do I need to wash my hair today? Well, isn’t it true that if you leave it long enough it starts to wash itself? Sounds a lot cheaper and easier.
3. Do I need to shave my legs? Hmm… who am I seeing today? And is it cold enough to wear jeans?
4. Brilliant, I missed a patch. Oh and my ankle’s bleeding too. Fabulous.
5. If I fill… Read the full story