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Dinosaur erotica is a real thing that exists

Dinosaur Erotica Novels Are A Real Thing Credit: Christie Sims Source: Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Taken-Pterodactyl-Dinosaur-Erotica-Christie-ebook/dp/B00NP1NNR8/ref=pd_sim_351_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41IdRAWCAnL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_UX300_PJku-sticker-v3%2CTopRight%2C0%2C-44_AC_UL160_SR114%2C160_&refRID=026AKJB84E0MW7RHXHCF / http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ravished-Triceratops-Dinosaur-Erotica-Christie-ebook/dp/B00NXKATTQ/ref=pd_sim_351_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=51E6T1Yo43L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_UX300_PJku-sticker-v3%2CTopRight%2C0%2C-44_AC_UL160_SR114%2C160_&refRID=163865D7FJFDXK0BCHYK)
Great works of our time. (Picture: Christie Sims)

Fancy taking your self-love sesh a bit more old school?

No, not 70s copies of Playboy. We’re talking Prehistoric. We’re talking dinosaur erotica – which yes, is a real thing that exists.

Dinosaur erotica is a subgenre of books available for purchase all over the internet.

One of the most prolific erotic dinosaur fiction writers is Christie Sims, who’s penned such great works as Taken by the Pterodactyl, Dino Park after Dark, and Revaged by My Raptor.

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