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Can you transfer coronavirus to your baby while pregnant?

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Illustration of baby in a womb
A newborn baby has become the youngest victim to get infected with coronavirus (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

Earlier this month, a newborn in China contracted the deadly coronavirus, while in the UK an eight-month-old was suspected to have contracted it after being treated by an infected GP.

It poses an alarming question: what is the likelihood of babies contracting the virus, especially during pregnancy?

A recent analysis of 44,000 cases in China showed that the death rate is ten times higher in the very elderly, compared to people who are middle-aged, and currently at zero for children under nine years old, according to the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, as this is a new virus strain, not much is known about how it operates, which only adds to the current panic gripping the world.

So, we asked doctors to share their insight on the likelihood of a pregnant woman passing on the infection to her unborn child.

Here’s what they told us.

Can you transfer coronavirus to your baby while pregnant?

‘Coronavirus (or COVID-19) is thought to be spread by infected people coughing or sneezing out virus-filled droplets,’ Dr Babak Ashrafi, a UK-based online doctor at Zava UK, tells us.

‘While it’s not yet clear whether it can be passed from a mother to an unborn child, initial research suggests that the virus can not be contracted in the womb.

‘Instead, it’s more likely that the condition is picked up after birth from close contact with a carrier.’

However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for a budding mother to pass on an illness to her baby, Dr Ashrafi adds.

He says: ‘While there currently isn’t any evidence COVID-19 can be passed on from mother to baby, certain conditions can be passed on “vertically” through pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.

‘Vertical transmissions typically occur through the placenta, which is how babies get their nutrients – but certain infections such as HIV and syphilis can be passed on, too.’

When news of COVID-19 spread, it was compared to SARS outbreaks, especially in terms of how dangerous it could become.

However, there may be some positive news to be gained from the comparison, according to Dr Jonas Nilsen.

The co-founder of Practio, a travel vaccination specialist company, explains that there were no ‘transmission’ cases between mothers and their children during SARS outbreaks.

‘Depending on the disease, pregnant women can transmit the infection to the fetus via the placenta, during childbirth and after birth during breastfeeding,’ he says.

‘It is still unknown whether a pregnant woman infected with the coronavirus can transmit the virus to her unborn baby both before, during and after delivery.

‘So far, all cases of babies born to mothers infected with the coronavirus, although limited, have tested negative of the virus.

‘If you look back at SARS, no cases of transmission from mother to baby were reported either.’

How mothers can protect themselves from transferring coronavirus

As we’ve mentioned above, there is currently little evidence pointing towards mothers passing on the COVID-19 virus to their children.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t take every precaution to avoid it.

‘There are things you can do which can limit the chances of vertical infection, such as taking antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy or opting for delivery by caesarean section, which your doctor will be able to talk you through,’ says Dr Ashrafi.

‘While it’s unlikely that coronavirus can be passed on prenatally, pregnant women should still take steps to protect themselves from coronavirus as high fevers during the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of certain birth defects.

‘The primary advice is using soap and water to wash your hands – and avoid coming into close contact with people carrying the infection.’

To simplify matters, here’s a useful list of tips from Dr Nilsen, too.

  • Washing their hands frequently with soap and water
  • Covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing
  • Maintaining at least 1m (3ft) distance between themselves and other people (especially those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever)
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth as hands touch many surfaces and can easily be contaminated with the virus
  • If you visit live animal markets or animal product markets, you should ensure regular hand washing with soap and clean water
  • Avoiding consumption of raw or undercooked animal products

What to do if you have coronavirus symptoms and are pregnant

The advice on how to proceed if you suspect that you have contracted coronavirus or are exhibiting symptoms are the same for everyone, including pregnant women.

To avoid spreading the illness, the NHS advises that you call 111 or use the online service.

Do not go to your GP, pharmacy or hospital – call the line first and they will advise you on the next steps.

As with anything that concerns your health, talk to a medical professional before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle, diet etc.

Are you currently trying to get pregnant, and feeling anxious about the risks of contamination?

Once again, speak to a doctor and they will be able to give you advice on how to proceed.

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