Peter Mutabazi, 37, grew up in poverty, born in a village near the border of Uganda and Rwanda.
His father was abusive, which led to Peter running away at the age of ten. After many hardships, Peter eventually migrated to America and settled in Oklahoma. He started working at World Vision United States, a global Christian humanitarian organisation that helps children in need.
At the age of 35, Peter realised he was doing well for himself and had two empty bedrooms. He knew the space could be utilised to truly help those who need it, so he signed up for a fostering agency.
Over the past three years, the kind-hearted foster dad has cared for 12 kids, ranging from two to 11 years old. Since he’s single, he can only care for two children at a time.
But there was one child that changed Peter.
Anthony, 13, had been abandoned by his birth parents at two years old. The toddler was then taken in by a family who served as church elders, whom he stayed with for the next decade. But devastatingly, Anthony’s new family abandoned him too and left him at a hospital.
When Peter heard Anthony’s story, he knew he had to take the boy in.
Though the stay was meant to be for just one weekend, the foster dad and son immediately got along.
Two years later, the duo just left court after the state allowed Peter to officially adopt Anthony.
Peter tells ‘I have been single all my life but also loved kids!
‘Knowing there were kids in my community that needed homes was a no brainer.’
Just before Peter opened his home to Anthony, he had just said goodbye to two other foster children.
The siblings had been staying with Peter and were going back to their birth family, which left Peter with an aching hole in his heart. At the time, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to open up his heart to anyone else.
But Anthony’s story convinced him otherwise.
When the teenager had arrived, he had referred to his foster dad as ‘sir’ but quickly asked if he could call him dad instead, which melted Peter’s heart.
Anthony also asked if he could play with the toys in the room – another thing that Peter appreciated.
Thankfully, since the decision to permanently take him in, the process has been straightforward.
Peter says: ‘The adoption has been easy, here in the States you are required to be a foster parent for six months before you adopt a child.
‘That has given us time to know each other so the transition was easier.’
Peter couldn’t be more pleased with the decision.
‘Anthony is an amazing kid who loves his dad and enjoys every minute together,’ says the dad. ‘He is smart and doing well in school.’
Peter shares his journey with his foster children and his newly adopted son on Instagram. He says nothing has changed between the two except Anthony’s last name.
He encourages those who are able to consider the fostering and adoption route.
To those considering fostering or adopting, Peter shares these words of wisdom: ‘For future adoptive parents, make it more about the child, embrace where they come from, love them with all their issues, create space for them to feel safe and loved.
‘Be prepared to know from them and be willing to change yourself first.’
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