Steph, 30, and Mat Trott, 34, are living the dream.
In August 2018 they decided to quit their jobs and move to a small village called Houmeri in Crete, Greece, where they were finally able to get on the property ladder and live on just £5,000 a year.
The couple, who used to run a dog walking business, got fed up of living with Steph’s parents while scrimping and saving to sort a deposit for a home.
So they decided to skip ahead 30 years and move to the Greek village they always dreamed of spending their retirement.
The pair spent £50,000 of their savings to buy a two-bedroom villa, located in the quiet village, and say it’s ‘the best decision’ they’ve made.
The couple only works over the summer period, when Steph works in a hotel part- time and Mat, who works as an animal nurse assistant, travels back in the UK for a six week period.
While their decision meant giving up a salary of around £20,000, Steph and Mat say their lifestyles and new location enable them to live on no more than £5,000 a year.
Steph said: ‘We try to be as eco-friendly and go back to nature as much as possible, our whole aim is to be as environmentally friendly as we can.
‘We are very frugal, we don’t have any mortgage, our outgoings every month are minimal, we are vegetarians, we try to do everything to reduce our impact on the earth.
‘We are cutting out chemicals so I have started to make my own beauty products, we try to reduce the amount of plastic we use too, we have re-usable items for everything.
‘In the winter we cook on the log burner and in the summer, we use our solar ovens so we use as little electricity as possible.
‘When we were saving to come to Crete, we reached a point where we were saving about 90% of our wage so we got so good at saving money, we know how to cut corners on everything.’
While they’re semi-retired, Steph and Mat don’t spend their days lazing around in the sunshine.
‘Our aim is to give back- we are raising money to neuter the stray cats,’ says Steph, ‘we are planting fruit trees up our lane for anyone in the village to come and pick the fruit, we are cleaning the beaches.’
The couple say that moving to Crete was ‘ the best decision they could have made’ and are not planning to return in the UK anytime soon.
To follow their journey you can read the couple’s blog.
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