Dana Falsetti is proving to her thousands of Instagram followers that you don’t need to be thin to be flexible.
After hitting a low point in her life during college when she reached her heaviest weight of 300lbs, Dana joined the gym in hopes of feeling happier about her body.
But, after losing a significant amount of weight, Dana didn’t feel any happier about herself.
‘I was still me, I brought myself and all of my habits and tendencies and fears with me to my ‘new’ body,’ she writes on her website.
As a last attempt to regain her self-esteem, Dana joined a local yoga class, which she says at first was daunting.
‘I walked in having the largest body in the room on top of being the beginner, and yoga was hard,’ she said.
‘I couldn’t hold downward dog for five breaths, my shoulders were on fire, and all the while other people in the room were popping up into… Read the full story