Every pet owner has some sort of story behind their pets’ names.
Maybe it was a celebrity, a character in a cartoon or film, or your favourite food that gave you inspiration.
While some stories delve deeper into our psyche than others, pretty much every name has a cool story at its root – and Reddit users have been revealing them on a thread.
One person was so into The Sims, she just knew her dog would rock their name choice:
I used to have a ‘family’ in the Sims that operated as a brothel (had a mod that would give Sims money when they woohoo’d with anyone that didn’t live on their lot). One of the hookers adopted a dog one day, and it was already named Taffy. We somehow decided that it was a great dog name, and named our teacup chihuahua after it. Our dog is named after a fictional prostitute’s fictional dog.
This one is… Read the full story