All multiple job working people are hard-working BOSSES.
But the life of working beyond the standard 9 to 5 schedule holds its own specific struggles. Like being busy all the time.
But also, its own specific JOYS, like variety, and getting to do the stuff you love.
Whether you’re a freelancer, hold a weekend job alongside a 9 to 5, or have a side job to pursue your passions, everyone who works multiple jobs will know these things to be true…
1. Weekends? What weekends?
Oh, you mean Thursdays, or that 3 hour window on Tuesday afternoon.
2. People will react with absolute HORROR when you reveal your multiple job life.
Yes, I am tired and very, very busy. No, I am not insane.
3. And you will frequently deal with people warning you not to get ‘run down’.
I’m okay, I promise.
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