11-year-old girl’s list of things to throw away is all the tidying...
This 11-year-old girl is the next Marie Kondo, we reckon (Picture: Tracey Satterley) Planning to do some spring cleaning this weekend? Don’t bother re-reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up or...
View ArticleDog is inundated with adoption applications from all over the world after...
Bess, a black and white Collie, has been called Britain’s loneliest dog after being in a shelter for ten years (Picture: Triangle News ) Bess the black and white Collie earned the name of Britain’s...
View ArticleMum thinks she’s ordered a bargain set of drawers, isn’t so pleased when they...
Nice drawers, but not exactly what Siobhan was after (Picture: Siobhan Mcknight) A lesson to us all: if you see something online that’s such a bargain it feels too good to be true, it probably is....
View ArticleThe lighthouse from Fraggle Rock is available to stay in for just £35 per...
Recognise this? (Picture: Hostunusual.com ) If you watched the Jim Henson show Fraggle Rock, you’ll recognise St Anthony’s Lighthouse in St Mawes. It featured in the opening credits of the 80s puppet...
View ArticleMy schizoaffective disorder hasn’t hurt me as much as people’s prejudice
Close school friends have, in the past, felt unable to invite me to important events in their lives, as they were frightened of me (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk) This is one of a series of...
View ArticleBargain hunting mum spots Ted Baker kids’ clothes in Debenhams that are all...
What a haul! (Picture: Facebook ) A mum has shared some incredible bargains she found in her local Debenhams this week, and it’s got us ready to run down to our local store. In a post on Extreme...
View ArticleHow to spend 48 hours in Barcelona
Our guide for the perfect weekend break in Barcelona (Picture: Getty) The best way to get through these final days of winter? A weekend getaway, of course. Depart Friday evening and return Sunday...
View ArticleAs a black Christian, I was told yoga was ‘demonic’– then I tried it
As soon as I walked in, I noticed that I was the only black girl in the class and I wasn’t surprised but I was very aware of it (Picture: Hotpod Yoga, Brixton/Sabrina Fearon-Melville) I went to a...
View ArticleYou can now eat Sunday roast in the nude
Sunday roast with a side of nudity (Picture: Getty) Last year, Londoners were given prime opportunity to take their kit off in the nation’s favourite socialising space: the pub. The Coach and Horses...
View ArticleThe best World Book Day 2020 costume ideas for children and adults
Children all over the country will be encouraged to dress up and take part in reading events(Picture: Getty Images) World Book Day 2020 will take place on Thursday 5 March – to celebrate, kids and...
View ArticleWoman given six months to live survives and says it’s down to her love of Disney
Tanya, who was diagnosed with colon cancer, says survival was partly down to her love of Disney (Picture: MDWfeatures /@theboundingblondie ) When 36-year-old Tanya Mannella started experiencing stomach...
View ArticlePeople tell us the secret sexual fantasies they are scared to share with...
So, what’s your pleasure? (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk) Do you dare tell your sexual partner your deepest desires? Stigma around more unusual (or rather, less talked about) kinks has lessened...
View ArticleDisabled women like me are being trapped in abusive relationships by...
How do you leave a controlling partner when you have no money of your own? With great difficulty (Picture: Ella Byworth/ Metro.co.uk) In the year ending March 2019, disabled women were more than twice...
View ArticleGirl inspired by aliens wants to be permanently blue – but thinks she’s...
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video A nail artist from Bradford has become inspired by aliens and spaceships, trying to...
View ArticleNon-binary person wearing a skirt to the supermarket has the best answer to a...
Meet Thomas, who was recently questioned about their outfit to the supermarket (Picture: Thomas Hudson) As a black non-binary queer person, Thomas Hudson from Pennsylvania is used to the questions and...
View ArticleWoman who transformed her spare room into a gorgeous bathroom with just...
Before and after (Picture: Leah Holden) Leah Holden and her boyfriend Glenn, both 28, took on a huge challenge when they bought their first property in May last year. However, unfortunately the...
View ArticleMan becomes unofficial Jaffa Cake eating champion after scoffing down 36 in...
If Stu sees another Jaffa Cake again, it might be too soon (Picture: Harry Cook / SWNS) How many Jaffa Cakes could you could eat in one sitting? For Stu Hayler, the answer is 36. But the 39-year-old...
View ArticleDrinks company launches gin refill station to help the environment
It’s sustainable and tasty (Picture: Jenny Dettrick/Getty/Moment RF) Would you be happy to top up your own gin if it meant that you could a) save a few pounds and b) save the environment? In a...
View ArticleEating Disorders Awareness Week 2020: I feel embarrassed to still have an...
Food controls me. I love it, but I hate it, and I think about it all day (Picture: Helen Fear) Content warning: This article contains frank discussion of eating disorders and eating disordered thoughts...
View ArticleMuslims experience ‘shared suffering’ when other Muslims go through trauma
The morning of the Christchurch attacks – which saw 51 Muslims die while worshipping peacefully – I felt sick watching all the coverage pour in. I was not alone in that reaction. Across the globe,...
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