The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a new wave of cyclists.
With the nation being urged to avoid public transport – in favour of walking and cycling – bike sales have been on the rise. So much so, retailers are struggling to keep up with the surge in demand.
But for those who have (miraculously) managed to get their hands on a bike during this COVID-climate – what next?
The world of bikes can be overwhelming for cycling newbies – there’s so much to think about from general bike maintenance to security.
Have all the gear and no idea? Experts have shared some handy tips for those getting back into cycling as adults.
Cleaning and maintenance should be little and often
David Sheppard, bike buying manager at Evans Cycles, says it’s good to get into a routine of giving a bike small, regular checks.
He tells ‘It’s better to do one or two small cleaning/maintenance jobs each time you go out on your bike than try to do a major clean up every few months.
‘This will keep your bike fresh for each ride and helps reduce wear and tear created over time.’
David adds that there are four essential steps to carry out after every ride.
He says: ‘Wash your bike (using a rag and toothbrush for the hard to reach areas like the cogs and chain), pump up the tyres, check your brakes are working properly and spray a lubricant on the chain.’
Tyres should be firm
The best way to check a tyre is to give it a simple squeeze – if there is a lot of give, then it needs pumping up.
‘If they are too soft you may end up with a “pinch puncture,”’ explains David.
This happens if the tyre pressure is too low and a cyclist rides over something, such as pot-hole, which gives a sudden impact – resulting in a puncture.
Tyres should be checked regularly for a few important things.
He adds: ‘Make sure they are free of grit, small bits of glass or anything that might cause a puncture. If you notice any holes or small tears it could be time to replace the tyres.’
Check brakes daily
Nobody should get on a bike if there’s any doubt about the brakes. Doing so will not only put the rider at risk, but others on the road and pavement, too.
David says: ‘Before every ride, do a quick check that the brakes do as they should.
‘With each wheel off the ground, pull the front and back brakes respectively to be sure they are in good working order. If in doubt, and you don’t know how to fix them, take them to a reputable bike shop or bike mechanic.’
Areas to keep an eye on these areas
Most new riders will not be familiar with the mechanics of a bike. But taking time to learn the very basics of how your specific bike works will no doubt help in the future.
David says: ‘The chain, gears, tyres and brake pads are all areas which get used a lot, and should be checked regularly.’
A chain wear checker can be used to see if the chain has stretched too much.
He adds: ‘If the gears are jumping or not sitting right, they probably need adjusting which can either be done at home (with the help of a YouTube video) or from a trusted mechanic.
‘Tyres and brake pads should be grit free and in working order before you go out on your next ride.’
Chris Palmer, from Raleigh, says it’s important to give the chain some TLC, too.
He says: ‘Use a small amount of chain lubricant, once you’ve cleaned and dried your bike. Lube the chain links as you slowly turn the pedals backwards.
‘Once you’ve been all the way around the chain you can stop. Allow the lube to soak in then wipe off any excess with an old rag.
‘Ensure you use a bicycle chain lube designed specifically for the job, generic oils and degreasers don’t have the same properties.’
Have an essential bike kit
If you plan to go on long rides, it’s a good idea to take some essential pieces with you – just in case you land an unexpected puncture or problem.
‘If you’re doing further rides, it’s worth carrying allen-keys, a mini-bike pump, tyre levers and spare inner tubes so you can fix a puncture if you’re on the go,’ adds David.
In terms of things to have a home, Jack Noy, UK marketing manager at Canyon, says having a few basics will come in handy.
He advises buying a good floor pump for bike tyres – these are often referred to as a Track Pump.
Jack says: ‘These usually have a pressure gauge and make light work of inflating tyres to the correct firmness. As a guide, you should check your tyre pressures every week or two, since air naturally diffuses out of rubber tyres and innertubes over time.’
In addition to this, it’s worth having a multi tool – featuring several hex keys.
‘Most fasteners on the bike require a hex key and a simple fold out multi tool is a neat easy solution for simple adjustments like saddle height, or checking the handlebars and stem are safely attached,’ adds Jack.
Register your bike
A basic knowledge of bike maintenance is incredibly helpful for new bike owners, but it’s also important to think about security.
Jimmy Williams, CEO of insurance brand Urban Jungle, advises putting a new bike on Bike Register – the UK’s national, police-approved (free) registration scheme.
He says: ‘Although this won’t protect your bike, you are provided with a sticker to put on your bike in a clear place to deter thieves. If in the unlucky event of your bike being stolen, you can log into Bike Register and report it.
‘This allows you to tweet the details and a photo of your bike to their social media in the hope someone spots it.’
Always lock up
If you’ve gone to the effort of buying a new set of wheels, it’s worth investing in a decent bike lock, too.
Jimmy adds: ‘Bikes need to be in a securely locked building or, if they’re in the open, both wheels and the frame need to be locked to a permanent structure.
‘Whatever bike you have, if you need to leave it outside, it’s worth thinking carefully about how you lock it. Always lock both wheels and the frame to a permanent structure. The more permanent, the better.
‘Also, try to match the value of your locks to the bike. Thieves are great at spotting a cheap lock on an expensive bike.’
Park somewhere smart
A bike is less likely to be stolen if it’s locked in a well-lit, busy area – particularly if there’s CCTV.
Jimmy adds: ‘Even if you don’t have a particularly strong lock, it’s going to be much riskier for someone to steal if they’re on camera.
‘Be equally careful parking at your house or at a friend’s – don’t assume that your bike is safe if it’s in their garden but the gate is closed, particularly if you’re in a built-up area.’
Also, avoid leaving a bike outside overnight.
‘No matter how public the place, it will always be less secure under the cover of darkness. Not only that, but you’re more likely to fall victim of vandalism at night time, particularly if it’s near a pub or bar,’ says Jimmy.
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