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Yearly birthday photo shows how daughter is growing into her mum’s wedding dress

From the age of two, to today, aged 12 (Picture: Brandy Yearous)
From the age of two, to today, aged 12 (Picture: Brandy Yearous)

Kids grow up fast. One minute, they’re a tiny baby entirely reliant on you, the next they’re fully-grown mini-adults.

So, one mum came up with a clever way of tracking just how much her daughter had grown and changed, year by year.

US mum blogger Brandy Yearous takes a picture of her daughter Allison wearing her wedding dress every year on her birthday.

In a post for Today.com, Brandy, who is mum to 14-year-old Ryan and 12-year-old Allison, explained that she got the idea from a magazine she read while pregnant with… Read the full story

Forget cakes, now you can own a red velvet house and it looks delicious

PIC FROM: PAUL KAPLAN GROUP / CATERS - (Pictured: Living room) - An eccentric seventies house covered in RED VELVET has the market for 99,000. Stephans Folly, a plush pad in Palm Springs, California, USA, was decked floor to ceiling in the bright fabric in 1971. Last year it won the Palm Springs Modern Committees Residential Preservation Award - and looking at the jaw-dropping interior it was well deserved. According to Curbed, the time-capsule house has three bedrooms and five bathrooms. - SEE CATERS COPY
Every single surface is soft and velvety (Picture: The Paul Kaplan Group/Caters)

If you’ve ever dreamt of living inside a giant red velvet cupcake (who hasn’t?) then we’ve… Read the full story

14 signs you’re becoming a craft beer bore

Pour me another (Picture: Getty)

Beer used to be simple.

The cool people drank exotic lagers from faraway places, and the bores drank cloudy real ales with bits of the brewers’ fingers in them.

And then craft beer happened.

Don’t get us wrong.

We love a grapefruity IPA, a steam beer or a stout so thick you need a spoon to consume it.

But it’s all too easy to take craft beers a little too seriously.

Here are 14 signs that you might have become a craft beer bore.

1. You namedrop beers

‘Oh yeah, I’ve had the Spunky Backpack ’12 and ’13,’ you say, ‘and the Fulchester Furtle ’09’.

Truly, you are a golden God.

2. You flip out about glassware

You know… Read the full story

13 signs your parents have a better social life than you

(Picture: Getty)

The stereotypical parent sits in front of the TV in their slippers with a cuppa.

But others still feel as though they are 21.

You should be the one introducing them to trends.

Instead they are teaching you how to drink a Firebomb and telling you how good that new bar is that just opened.

Here’s 13 signs your parents have a better social life than you.

1. You stay in, they go out

And find yourself waiting up for them.

2. If you do go out, you’re home first

You’ll feel like the bore getting home before them.

3. Then there’s the drunk texts

Just no.

Instagram Photo

4. All the bar staff… Read the full story

You won’t care how long you’re delayed on the world’s most scenic train journeys

Amsterdam is the city everyone must visit – here’s how to see it all

(Picture: Perotto/Room/Getty)

Amsterdam is, without a doubt, one of the prettiest cities in the world.

I mean just look at it! With its tall, narrow houses and wide, glistening canals, punctuated by bridges. It’s enough to make you pack your bags and sign up for Dutch lessons.

Even if lovely buildings aren’t your thing, and the thought of sailing slowly down a canal makes you sick, between the history, stroopwafels and world class tram system, you’re bound to find something.

Instagram Photo

If you’re not quite ready to throw caution to the wind and relocate based on my words, then you should definitely make Amsterdam your next weekend break.

Don’t believe me?… Read the full story

Woman mourning husband of 70 years finds comfort in cushion made from his favourite shirt

Joyce treasures the cushion made from late husband John’s shirt (Picture: SWNS)

Ninety-three-year-old Joyce Beckett lost John, her husband of 70 years, last month.

The widower, who suffers from dementia, has been struggling to cope with the loss of her soulmate.

In the last few weeks, she’s been very distressed, particularly during the long evenings at her retirement home, Richmond Villages, in Northampton. Staff would comfort her by sitting with her and stroking her hand, but they wanted to do more for her – so they came up with the idea of a ‘memory cushion’.

Adorably tiny kitten claps her furry paws every time she’s given a treat

(Picture: AtLeastMyInternetConnectionWorks/Imgur)
(Picture: AtLeastMyInternetConnectionWorks/Imgur)

If you’re a cat owner, you’ll know just how difficult it is to train them. 

While many of us give up, allowing them to just jump up on the kitchen counter and take the treats (you know they’ll just do it when you’re not looking anyway), this video might give you inspiration to stick with it.

Imgur user  has posted the cutest video of her beautifully behaved kitten.

When she’s offered a treat, she stands up in a frankly absurd cat pose, patiently waiting with her paws by her side before leaning over to take the food, vigorously clapping her tiny paws.

14 annoying things English people say to Scots who move to England

Save us (Picture: Getty)

As a Scottish person living in London I encounter, on a daily basis, some interesting comments about my heritage and home country.

I’ve been here for over three years and it never ceases to amaze me the insensitivity of the ‘humorous’ jibes that demonstrate that stereotypes are alive and well and as strong as ever.

So, if you’re an English person, have a think before you say any of the following to a Scottish person you’ve just met.

1. ‘Do you miss deep fried Mars bars?’

This, in fairness, is usually accompanied with a laugh. But the kind of laugh that suggests they think they’re revealed a great truth.

Here’s a… Read the full story

This graphic designer has been brilliantly trolling vain people’s selfies


James Fridman is a graphic designer who specialises in editing pictures upon request. 

But most recently, his edits have been more successful thanks to his ‘enhancements’ of photos submitted by vain people wanting to look better or wanting someone removed from the photo.

Just to make sure everyone knows what they’re getting into, James publishes his terms and conditions on Twitter to make sure people submitting are made aware of what they’re getting into.

While we are loving James’s work though, the veracity of the original tweet requests has been called into question – especially given one of the photos, said to be of a Twitter user called SusannaT, actually features Jennifer Metcalf of Hollyoaks fame, as this MailOnline story reveals.

The other users whose names we could see were nowhere to be found on Twitter, leading us to believe he *might* not be taking all these as genuine submissions.

He might (gasp) be sourcing suitable pictures… Read the full story

Beauty blogger pictured putting on a full face of makeup (with false lashes) while in labour

Makeup blogger
Alaha gets on with some contouring during contractions (Picture: Makeupbyalaha/Instagram)

For someone who struggles to do a smokey eye with a five hour window, a fair wind, and access to a dressing table and full length mirror, this is seriously mind-blowing.

A few weeks ago, New York makeup artist and beauty blogger Alaha Majid shared pictures of her putting on a full face of makeup – including smokey eyes and false lashes – all while in the middle of giving birth.

In one of her Instagram updates, she told her followers how she was managing to put do such precision makeup while in the middle of contractions.

‘I was pausing during contractions and picking up where… Read the full story

What I’ve learned after 12 months as a new mum

(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler)
Who needs an alarm clock? (Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)

I have a confession to make.

I used to be one of those people who said, ‘I’m sure looking after a baby is really hard, but it can’t be as hard as going to work everyday. I mean, you don’t have to get up and go out every morning for a start and you haven’t got your boss breathing down your neck all day.’

To all mums out there, I’m sorry, I was a fool.

This past year, taking care of my daughter, has been an exercise in proving me completely, totally and unequivocally wrong.

It’s true, I haven’t had to set… Read the full story

Mum takes a stand against her 8-year-old son’s bullies after he is placed under suicide watch


A mother has described the heartbreaking story of her bullied son in a Facebook post that has been shared over 25,000 times.

Brandy Noel talks of the torment suffered by eight-year-old Aj, who felt so depressed by the bullying he endured day after day an after-school program that he contemplated taking his own life.

Sharing a photo of her son, Brandy added in the words that have stuck with her ever since she found out just how far the bullying had gone: ‘Mom, they bully me so bad. I want to kill myself’.

Brandy wrote: ‘This is my Aj. He is the sweetest, funniest, most loveable kid. He is my heart. Unfortunately, he has been being bullied by 3 older boys at the Norman #YMCA after school program for quite some time.

‘I’ve tried all I can to get it stopped but no one took it seriously.’

Although Brandy had made many attempts to stop the bullying, it continued, leading to… Read the full story

12 things you’ll only know if you’re not a morning person


If you’re the type of person who prefers brunch over breakfast and lie-ins over ‘making the most of the day’, you’ll totally understand the struggle of having to get up early in the morning. 

While others are Instagramming the morning sunrise and their delicious-looking breakfasts (but really, who has the time?), you’re still struggling to wake up to your fourth alarm.

Mainly because you know you still have another three alarms until you actually have to get up.

Here are 12 things you’ll only know if you’re not a morning person.

1. Morning alarm = sound of death. 

The dreaded sound that plays over and over and makes you cringe when you hear it because it’s entered your ear canal one too many times.

But of course, it has to be the most annoying of sounds otherwise you’d never get up to turn it off.

2. And it’s repeated at least six times. 

It’s a… Read the full story

Why would you want an Easter egg when you can get a chocolate unicorn this year?

Unicorn easter egg Credit: Getty Images/Metro
(Picture: Getty/Metro/Morrisons)

First up, in case you didn’t realise because it’s so early this year, Easter is almost here.

Yes, it’s on Sunday, March 27.

And before you start panic-buying eggs you may want to know there’s an alternative this year.

Because Morrisons is selling a chocolate unicorn.

A milk chocolate unicorn.

Called Sparkles.

Sparkles is 250g, making her (I mean with lashes like that it must be a her, right?) about as big as a standard adult’s Easter egg.

Can you bring yourself to eat her though?

Well, yes, she’s only made of chocolate.

Who wants a giant hot cross bun this Easter?

(Picture: Morrisons)
(Picture: Morrisons)

I mean I’m not offering you one free or anything, I’m just saying they’re available to buy.

These giant hot cross buns are about three times as big as your average hot cross bun.

They laugh in the face of all other hot cross buns.

So, er, I guess if you like hot cross buns you might like them.

For modesty’s sake, though, they’re sold individually rather than in packs of four.

Not that there’s anything to stop you buying four I guess.

The giant hot cross bun costs 82p from Morrisons.

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Kids try to dress themselves for the first time and it looks like so much fun


This is what it was like to choose your outfit before all those style rules got in the way – when it was simply a case of dipping into the wardrobe and seeing what you came up with.

WatchCut video got together a group of nine kids (‘The Talent’), a range of clothing from raincoats to swimming gear, and invited them to dress themselves.

The results are both adorable and pretty fashion forward.

After all, who says you can’t wear a rain mac with your Bermuda shorts?


This stylish little lady picked herself out a summer dress in a 60s print, but discovered armholes aren’t as easy as they look.


Rachael knows it’s all about persistence when it comes to head holes.




This dude.

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Warning: This sexy ‘dudeoir’ shoot in the wild may make you feel things

Masika comp
Can you handle it? (Picture: Masika Allan)

If those curves look familiar, it’s because this isn’t the first time Canadian Brendon Williams has steamed up the camera lens.

In January, he collaborated with photographer Masika Allan of Masika May Photography to turn the tables on the traditional ‘boudoir’ woman-only photo shoot and things got pretty heated.

Brendon enlisted the help of long-time friend and photographer Masika to help him create a sexy photo book for his wife’s birthday on January 19.

The result was a series of intimate indoor shots, along the lines of a traditional boudoir shoot, with seductive low lighting, flirty looks to camera, and very sexy pants.

14 crazy things you do when you work from home

Yay, text message distraction! (Picture: Getty)
Yay, text message distraction! (Picture: Getty)

Working from home just for one day is fine. You can stay focused no problem. Okay, you might finish half an hour earlier than you would have done if you were in the office, but that’s just because you were so productive.

But once you’ve been working from home for a few days, you start to go a little bit weird. You’re busy with work, but the isolation is getting to you. Here are some of the crazy things you’ll find yourself doing.

1. Narrating your life

“I’m going to make a cup of tea. Ooh, maybe have a biscuit too. Mmm. Good tea.… Read the full story

Flower beards are here to get your face ready for spring

flower beards are here to get you ready for spring
Go on, shove some plants on your face. (Picture: Instagram/mansohof)

The beard’s not over yet.

We’ve been through glitter beards, lego beards, sticking random crap in them beards, and pretty much every hipster-haired variation in between.

But it’s a new year now. It’s a new day. And it’s nearly spring, so it’s time to throw some flowers all up in your face.

The new big facial hair trend? Behold: the flower beard.

It’s exactly what it sounds like: gently placing delicate flowers into your thick, lustrous beard. This is how you embrace spring. This is how you show off your fun, fashion-y side while… Read the full story

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