10 of the worst but funniest Mother’s Day cards
(Picture: Witandwhistle/Etsy) Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, March 6, and so it is time to start the exhausting search for the perfect card for your mummy dearest. There are so many to choose...
View Article14 terrifying children’s drawings that will make you seriously question the...
We’ll just put this one away in the drawer sweetie (Picture: Imgur) Kids might look all innocent but give them a packet of crayons and free rein to draw outside the lines and they might surprise you....
View ArticleBow down to the magic of waffle tacos
Yes, it is just a waffle folded in half. Deal with it. (Picture: Instagram/xerowill) We’d happily eat tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if it was socially acceptable. Their comforting tortilla...
View ArticleDo you have the same first name as an Oscars nominee? Here’s how you can get...
This could be yours. (Picture: Pizza Hut) Looks like Leo won’t be the only one crying on February 28. Except unlike the bitterly disappointed nominated actor, your tears could be tears of joy. Because...
View ArticlePeople that look like Paolo are taking over the internet
Will the real Paolo please stand up? (Picture: People That Look Like Paolo/Facebook) The People That Look Like Paolo Facebook page is one man’s homage to his mate, Londoner Paolo Riozzi, who gets...
View ArticleThis man deep-fried his Yeezy Boosts and we just don’t understand why
Yeezy does it. (Picture: Youtube/NameBranClothing) In the world of Kanye West, Yeezy Boosts, and the existence of Donda West video game, nothing makes sense anymore. So we really shouldn’t be surprised...
View Article20 things only bath people know
You can’t have too much foam (Picture: Getty) If there’s one thing you can rely on to make all your problems drift away it’s a steaming hot bath. It has the power to make the drama of the day seem...
View ArticleAll the best bits from London Fashion Week, from furry Adidas to rainbow afros
The best of Fashion Week (Picture: Getty) London Fashion Week is at an end for another season. It’s time to hang up your mules, shrug off your faux-fur and let down the boxer braids. That’ll do Alexa,...
View ArticleToothbrush contouring is now a thing – and it looks painful
Omg 😱Thank you so much for 20k follower 😘😘 It means a lot too me guys thank you😘😘😘 💜purple and gold 💛 eye look Makeup details @lagirlcosmetics orange and green @maybelline foundation @narsissist...
View ArticleAnonymous therapy app will help you fix your relationship issues by text
In this day and age, there’s an app for everything. Food, fashion, dating … and now mental health and relationship advice, too. Relationup is an app created specifically to help assist with urgent...
View ArticleAn author live-tweeted his proposal while waiting for his girlfriend to land...
Durjoy Datta and Avantika Mohan will get married next week. (Picture: Twitter/Durjoy Datta) Trust the writer behind The World’s Best Boyfriend to come up with a proposal this sweet. Durjoy Datta took...
View ArticleAnimators and artists bring children’s imaginary friends to life
This is Swerl the Lion. (Picture: Rankin) Because deep down, we all miss our imaginary friends. A new exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood featured UK animators and model-makers...
View ArticleYou’ll soon be able to pay for things using your selfies
If you’re obsessed with taking the perfect selfie, then we have some great news for you. Because soon, they’ll be worth more than a few likes on Instagram. MasterCard have confirmed that it will soon...
View ArticleMillennials are too lazy to eat cereal, apparently
Not interested. (Picture: Getty) Oh, youths. We love our drinkable yoghurt and handy blended juices with spirulina and shredded kale. We like our avocado on toast. Our tiny protein bites filled with...
View Article10 things you should never say to someone with PCOS
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler) Being handed a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome diagnosis can be a confusing time. You’re not sure what it means as research on the matter is hard to come by. You’re worried...
View Article20 top vegan foods ranked in order of deliciousness
Cupcakes from vegan bakery Ms Cupcake (Picture: http://www.mscupcake.co.uk) When I became vegan for a month in January this year people kept asking me whether I was missing cheese. Not even once, was...
View ArticleBeauty sleep – 5 ways to wake up better-looking
Look, we said you’ll wake up hot. We didn’t say anything about how you’ll look when you sleep (Picture: Getty) Not many of us have enough free time to complete a full-on beauty regime. Most of our...
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