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This brilliant headphones necklace will make sure you never get caught listening to music in class again

(Picture: Cuckooland / Jaxmotech)

These amazing decorative headphones could be the secret to listening to music in class without getting your phone confiscated. 

The beaded design and disguised magnet clasp lets you jam to Tupac without your teacher having a clue what is going on – that is, if your school lets you wear jewellery, anyway.

(Picture: Cuckooland / Jaxmotech)

The necklaces are available in a range… Read the full story

Boy tries to get one over on his dad with ‘I love you’ iPhone shortcut prank, fails miserably


Mrs doubtfire

This boy attempted to entertain the internet by adding a shortcut to his dad’s phone for whenever he said ‘I love you’.

But it looks as though he probably should’ve chosen a different phrase to swap – considering his dad doesn’t really seem like the affectionate type.

In fact, his dad seems more like the wily sort who wouldn’t let their son get one over on them.

Watch as the drama unfolds…

His phrase replacement was as mature as you’d hope

Lad Tries To Get One Over On His Dad Using Text Replace But Ol' Man Has The Last Laugh
He attempted to replace his shortcut

Shame it doesn’t seem to be a… Read the full story

12 signs you’re too polite for your own good

Sorry please thank you! (Picture: Giphy)
Sorry please thank you! (Picture: Giphy)

A study has shown that the average British person says sorry eight times a day. That’s a bit excessive, isn’t it? Sorry about that.

Some nationality stereotypes are true, and British politeness is one of them (along with our fondness for tea). But even we Brits can be too polite for our own good sometimes.

Here are some signs than you need to tone the politeness down a notch.

You apologise when someone stands on your foot

Unless you grabbed their foot and forced it down upon your own, this one probably isn’t your fault.

You say ‘thank you’ when you… Read the full story

Boris the St. Bernard set to undergo ear amputation after 10 years of bullying and neglect

St Bernard
Boris is making a recovery but has to have his ears amputated after years of abuse (Picture: SWNS)

Boris is finally getting the love and affection he deserves after nearly a decade of neglect.

The nine-year-old big fluffy Saint Bernard is now being cared for at Cinque Ports Rescue in Deal, Kent, after spending most of his life in cramped conditions with other dogs who kept biting him.

Sadly, Boris now needs to have his ears amputated after the years of bullying and neglect left him with a lot of scar tissue.

Along with another dog, seven-year-old Petal, Boris was part of a case in which multiple Saint Bernards were rescued in a terrible condition, because they… Read the full story

Here’s everything you need to know about ‘Amin Yashed’ Facebook ‘banter’

There's a new craze where people find funny names on Facebook, but Amin Yashed is getting especially sick of it
(Picture: Amin Yashed/Facebook)

There’s a new ‘it’s not racist’ craze where people are searching for pun-friendly names on Facebook. 

Having found names that when said in a sentence resemble somewhat rude phrases, people are messaging them with ‘hilarious’ (their words, not ours, we’re very keen to point out) one-liners and song lyrics – aimed ultimately at those who have been called that since birth.

One name they found, Amin Yashed, received more messages to the account than most, and the account said it was getting seriously sick of it.

His name has caused thousands of ‘laughs’ (once again,… Read the full story

Eduardo the cat has gotten so fat he has to wear a collar saying ‘do not feed me’

Sean Ryan, 52, with his cat Eduardo. See SWNS story SWFAT; A pet owner has begged locals to stop being so nice and feeding his greedy cat after the feline became OBESE. Sean Ryan, 52, has warned well-meaning locals not to feed his famous cat after vets warned he is at risk of developing diabetes. Six-year-old Eduardo, the adorable pet beloved by commuters, neighbours and school children alike, tips the scales at an enormous 15Ibs 7oz. Heís got so big Eduardo even struggles to get around.
(Picture: SWNS)

Sean Ryan has asked his neighbours to stop feeding his cat because they’ve made him morbidly obese. 

His cat, Eduardo, is one of Britain’s fattest cats,… Read the full story

9 ways weekends change when you become a parent

Family time (Picture: Getty)

Pre-children weekends are all about lunching with friends and nights out on the town, followed by a nice Sunday morning lie in.

When planning for children you don’t necessarily think about the impact it will have on your weekend.

Then, when you have children you wished you appreciated those lie ins and lazy Sundays in the front of the TV a whole lot more.

Here are 9 ways your weekend will change when you have children.

1. Friday and Saturday nights are like any other night of the week

Before having children the ‘Friday feeling’ used to almost always result in agreeing to a drink or two after work before rolling into bed around midnight.

When… Read the full story

Margarita cocktail recipe and video: Strawberry Marmalade Margarita

(Picture: Natalie Migliarini)
Can you resist this sweet strawberry marmalade margarita? (Picture: Natalie Migliarini)

The weekend is here and what better way to celebrate than with a festive margarita?

This cocktail combines strawberries with a sweet strawberry marmalade.

Using jams in cocktails adds sweetness without having to add simple syrup.

I also love using a bit of orange juice in all my margaritas instead of triple sec or orange liqueur.

I feel that it adds a citrus punch with out adding additional sweetness to the drink.

This recipe serves one.

Creme egg nut butter is a REAL thing and we think we’re in heaven

Creme egg butter Credit: Funky Nut Co.
(Picture: Funky Nut Co.)

When you didn’t think there could possibly be anything better than a Creme Egg or the nutty filling of a Kinder Bueno, behold: the Creme Egg nut butter.

And while we’ve had the Creme Egg pizza and the return of the McFlurry, we can’t help but be excited.

The creation, which was created by Liverpool-based Funky Nut, is filled with a thick and gooey cashew nut-based butter, with chunks of the much-loved Cadbury Creme Egg swirled within. We’re drooling just thinking about it.

Metro.co.uk spoke to Julian Campbell, founder of Funky Nut Company, who told us: ‘We decided to create the Creme Egg nut butter… Read the full story

Rock star’s quest to inspire young offenders through vegan programme


John Joseph by Ray Lego

Ex-felon John Joseph knows exactly what it’s like to be in prison.

He grew up around violence and substance abuse and spent two years ‘in the worst juvenile prisons’ as a youngster.

Now, approaching 54 years old, he is in the best shape ever, living a life of peace and compassion, which he credits to adopting a vegan lifestyle.

He is hoping to pass on his hard-earned wisdom to the kids awaiting prison at Ella McQueen Correctional Facility in BedStuy, NYC.

‘If you told me in 1980 I would be continuing a plant-based diet 35 years later and killing it in Ironman triathlons, I would have laughed right in your face,’ he tells Metro.co.uk.

MORE: Vegan rockstar and athlete John Joseph on why ‘meat is for pussies’

‘My background was the toughest of the tough, growing up in New York City.

‘I came from a violent, alcoholic home and in 1969… Read the full story

Woman creates app to help find the perfect look for women of colour


Instagram Photo

One woman is making a big change within the makeup industry, by making things easier for women of colour. 

After personally having trouble finding a foundation that suited her skin tone and colour, Ofunne Amaka wondered whether people were in the same boat.

So, taking inspiration from her own experience, Ofunne Amaka created CocoaSwatches – an Instagram that is committed to showing women of colour how various beauty products actually look when on her skin.

Instagram Photo

After posting picture that demonstrated a selection of foundations on her dark skin, her Instagram really took off – leading her to a following of more than 21,000 people.

Having made such an impact on women in the same situation, she was quick to scoop up other beauty bloggers who also wanted in on the cause.

Instagram Photo

And, having graduated from Columbia University, with a… Read the full story

New mum has powerful message for stranger who questioned her baby weight


A mum-of-two from has spoken out about a comment made to her during a shopping trip. 

Lindsey Kay Self, from Perrysburg, Ohio, was asked by a man in the when she was expecting.

In a post made to Facebook, she wrote: ‘I laughed and told him, “If you’re asking when I’m expecting my nine-week-old to sleep for longer than 45 minutes, I’m hoping soon”.’

From that moment on, she noticed the man sink from confident to embarrassed, holding an obvious look of shame.

Lindsey, who had left it at that during the time in the store, went on to write: ‘I wish I would have said more. I wish I would have told him that there is nothing to be ashamed of – not for him or me.’

In the incredibly moving post, which was accompanied by a bunch of adorable photographs with her kids, she went on to talk about the wonderful things a body can do:

‘This… Read the full story

St Piran’s Day: What is the National Day of Cornwall and how to say it in Cornish

Happy St Piran's Day!
Happy St Piran’s Day! (Picture: Getty)

Gool Peran Lowen!

Or, if Cornish isn’t your first language – Happy St Piran’s Day!

Today, March 5th, is St Piran’s Day, the national day of Cornwall, which is named after one of their patron saints. The day is celebrated in numerous Cornish communities, with some Cornish councils even giving employees the day off.

Celebrations have been growing in popularity since the 1950s, but it dates back much further than that. The term ‘drunk as a perraner’ came into use in the 19th century, proving that St Piran’s Day was a time to drink as much as you possibly could.

Who is St Piran?

Read the full story

14 unexpected stresses of moving house

"Where is the bloody kettle?!?" (Picture: Getty)
“Where is the bloody kettle?!?” (Picture: Getty)

No-one is dumb enough to go into a house move thinking that it will be easy. It comes in at number three on the list of the most stressful things you can do.

But, even though you expect it to be stressful, it always somehow manages to be roughly 120% more stressful than you anticipated. It’s the hidden stresses that get you.

Here are some of the unexpected things you’ll experience during your house move.

Estate agents are useless

You’ve based your move around the flawed notion that estate agents are, at the very least, competent at their jobs. This is a gross… Read the full story

Parents turn baby daughter’s bedroom into the cutest little farmyard

(Picture: silasvirus82/Imgur)
(Picture: silasvirus82/Imgur)

If there was an award for the ‘world’s most creative parents’, this couple would win it hands down. 

Because while others choose to stick to the traditional blue/pink/yellow baby decor, this mum and dad have given their daughter, Rosie, a bedroom she’ll never get bored of.

Wanting to do something a little more memorable for their daughter, they have transformed her once simple room into the most adorable little farm.

And they’ve documented it all on Reddit, in a series of simple-step photos to inspire other parents to get creative.

They started out with a blank canvas

Mother’s Day: 14 things your Mum will always do better than you

Ah, simpler times. Before you realised that your mother would always be better at life than you. (Picture: Getty)
Ah, simpler times. Before you realised that your mother would always be better at life than you (Picture: Getty)

Your Mum is your role model in life, the woman who teaches you everything from how to control your bladder to what wash cycles to put your clothes on.

She’s basically your oracle of all worldly knowledge and experience, and you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to achieve her level of competence.

You’ll learn, very, very quickly, that while your Mum makes it all look easy, it REALLY isn’t.

No matter how hard you try, your… Read the full story

Mother’s Day 2016: How other mums can save your life

(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sadler for Metro.co.uk)

I know a lot of mums.

Some bottle feed, some breastfeed. Some co-sleep, some don’t.

I know single mums, older mums, young mums, mothers who work full time and others who stay at home.

We all lead totally different lives and have different approaches to parenting.

However, one thing unites us. We are all doing what we believe is best for our family.

So despite our differences, we can empathise and sympathise with each other because we get it.

We get that every parenting choice a mum makes has been Googled, debated and agonised over.

We understand that motherhood is wonderful but it can also be lonely and… Read the full story

23 inspirational Mother’s Day quotes that describe how we all feel about our mums

image (10)
<3 Mum (Credit Metro/Myles Goode)

Mums are just amazing, aren’t they? And we really don’t tell them enough.

Luckily Mother’s Day has come round once again and it’s time to really let the woman who gave you life know just how much you appreciate her and everything she does for you.

MORE: Mother’s Day 2016: The best poems to send your mum

You may have bought flowers, or written a card. But sometimes it’s hard to really get across how much you really love your mum in a meaningful way.

MORE: Mother’s Day 2016: 10 last minute Mother’s Day gifts that are still lovely

We’re here to help.… Read the full story

Mother’s Day: 10 seriously inspiring mums from the past through to the present

Aung San Suu Kyi (Picture: Getty)

All mums are pretty inspiring, considering they’ve stuck by you even when you were a spotty 15-year-old in a Primark push up bra with a penchant for Bebo and getting drunk in parks.

But some mums managed to raise their spawn while changing the world at the same time.

Here’s a list of the mums of all mums – some seriously inspiring mothers from the past through to the present day.

1. Cleopatra

Cleopatra was a mother to four children, while being one of the most powerful women in history and keeping impeccable eyeliner at the same time.

What a woman.


2. Boudica

Boudica had to learn how… Read the full story

Watch: Photographer captures beautiful shots of new mums and their babies


These pictures perfectly sum up Mother’s Day.

Photographer Jenny Lewis spent five years capturing beautiful shots of new mothers with their babies less than 24 hours after giving birth, for a film  entitled One… Read the full story

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