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Mother’s Day: 15 reasons we should make mums feel special

Picture: Eflorist
Happy Mother’s Day (Picture: Eflorist)

Today is Mother’s Day, and we reckon you should make your mum feel special, because she’s probably the person that loves you the most in the entire world.

It’s a bit unfair that mums only get one day of the year where we really celebrate all the great things that they’ve done for us, and still continue to do.

Being a mum is a life long job. Right from the moment you are born, to when you move out and start your own life, your mum never really stops caring about you and wondering if you’re okay.

She is the best person in the world for a cuddle, a… Read the full story

This is a chocolate teapot and we don’t give a crap how ‘useful’ it is

(Picture: Firebox)
CHOCOLATE! (Picture: Firebox)

Let’s face it, we need more ways to eat chocolate.

Enter the chocolate teapot.

And before you wheel out that tired old saying, I think you’ll find it is quite useful.

For one thing, it actually is strong enough to hold and pour hot drinks.

And, for another, it’s made of chocolate, which frankly a disappointingly small number of things in this world are.

The Chocolate Teapot is handmade from 58% dark chocolate.

For hot chocolate, you just fill it with hot water and cocoa power then pour it out.

Or you can take off the lid and dip in marshmallows or strawberries for a fondue.

Oh God, just look at it –

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Cadbury has launched three new enormous Dairy Milk bars with Oreo, toffee nut and triple chocolate inside

(Picture: Cadbury)
The new chocolate bars are 300g each (Picture: Cadbury)

New chocolate klaxon!

Cadbury as launched three new, enormous Dairy Milk bars stuffed with fancy new flavours.

Exciting chocolate news part one – the flavours are Oreo Crunch, Toffee Whole Nut and Triple Choc Sensation.

Exciting chocolate news part two – the bars are a whopping 300g each.

Just for comparison, your classic Dairy Milk is 45g, while the bigger bars are usually 200g.

The bars are called Cadbury Dairy Milk Big Taste because, well, they’re big.

MORE: 24 things only chocoholics understand

Cadbury Dairy Milk Big Taste Oreo Crunch contains Oreo biscuits and vanilla creme –

New Ben & Jerry’s flavour and ice cream sandwiches are here

(Picture: Ben & Jerry's/Metro)
(Picture: Ben & Jerry’s/Metro)

Big news Ben & Jerry’s fans – not only is there a new flavour coming your way but there’s also a whole new range of ice cream treats.

Let me break it down for you.

First up, there’s the new flavour – Cookie Dough S’Wich Up.

This is a vanilla ice cream with a chocolate cookie swirl, chocolate cookie sandwiches and cookie dough chunks.

Safe to say it’s pretty cookie-cramped.

Then for the new range of treats – ice cream sandwiches.

MORE: Vegan, dairy-free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream has come out of our dreams and into our bowls

British Pie Week – 7 vegetarian pie recipes to celebrate

(Picture: Getty)
Happy Pie Week! (Picture: Getty)

Pie is a surprisingly controversial topic, with bloggers debating just what does count as a pie.

Do pasties and tarts count? Can one include a shepherd’s pie topped with mash?

Seeing as British Pie Week was started by a pastry company, I’ve decided that as long as it’s in pastry it’s a pie.

And, just because you don’t eat meat, doesn’t mean you can’t join in the pie-fest.

Here are 7 delicious vegetarian pies, one for each day of British Pie Week:

1. Chicken-less pot pie

Instagram Photo

A veggie version of a classic chicken pie. Get the recipe.

2. Swiss-style homity pie

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British pie week recipe: Here’s how to make a pieburger

(Picture: Branston)
This is a pieburger – what else would you eat this week? (Picture: Branston)

Hooray, it’s British Pie Week (March 7-13), your annual celebration of all things flour, fat and gravy.

Luckily we have perfect pie weather this week, so there’s no excuses for not getting pie-eyed in the literal sense.

Anyway, to celebrate British Pie Week, here’s a recipe for a pieburger.

Because we all love burgers and we all love pies and, if not, well you can get the hell out.

Here’s how to make a pieburger that serves four (or one if you’re really, really hungry).


• 600g burger beef mince

• Salt and pepper

• Oil

• 4tbsp Branston Tomato & Red Pepper Relish

• 4… Read the full story

Puppy rescued from fire grows up to become a firefighter

Puppy comp
Jake is now an official member of the firefighting team (Picture: Jakes Page/Facebook)

Puppy Jake was only a few weeks old when he was trapped in a burning shed in Hanahan, South Carolina, last September.

‘I noticed there was some smoke coming from my neighbour’s yard,’ recalls local firefighter William Lindler. ‘The residents were yelling their puppy was in the building’.

So, he grabbed his firefighting gear and ran to save the trapped pet.

However, Jake suffered 75 per cent burns to his little body, including to his paws, and when William later called the vet to check on his progress, he was told Jake has been abandoned by his owners because they couldn’t afford… Read the full story

Beauty blogger shares hack for cutting your own layered fringe

Beauty blogger
What could possibly go wrong? (Picture: Camila Bravo/Instagram)

There comes a time in every fringe-wearer’s life when you wonder ‘how hard can it really be to trim your own fringe?’

And, then, five seconds in, you realise, very hard. Very hard indeed. A realisation that is generally followed by tears, regrets and panicked phone calls to Supercuts.

But, Philadelphia-based make-up artist and beauty blogger Camila Bravo has shown it might be possible – if you’re brave enough.

In an Instagram clip that has now had 18,000 likes online, she showed how she’s been cutting her own long layered fringe for years.

‘Press play before calling me crazy,’ she writes. ‘I been cutting my own side… Read the full story

A little girl stole $5,000 from her dad so she could buy Zayn Malik

Little girl
Certainly enterprising, if somewhat worrying (Picture: Twitter)

Sadly, as two-year-old Jules recently discovered, money doesn’t always get you everything you want. And it can’t buy you Zayn Malik.

The toddler, who lives in Washington, had it all planned out. She took $5,000 (£3,500) from her dad’s safe and popped it into her lunchbox, before heading off to daycare.

We’re not sure how she was planning to exchange the money for Zayn Malik but, unfortunately for her, her plan was rumbled in the car by her Aunt Haya.

Haya later took to Twitter to reveal the details of her niece’s plot.

I was a professional fairy – here’s what it taught me about life

Life lessons from a professional fairy (Kate Leaver) Mmuffin - Monika
There is no event lovelier than a four-year-old girl’s birthday party (Picture: Mmuffin for Metro.co.uk)

You know what teaches you a surprising amount about humanity?

Hosting children’s birthday parties dressed as a fairy.

My first real job was at a little shop called Fairyland, tucked in between the local vet and a Vietnamese restaurant within walking distance from my mum’s place.

Downstairs, you could buy wands, tutus and other magical necessities.

Upstairs, you could crawl through a toddler-size hole to a darkened room with an intricate mural of Fairyland on the walls, fairy lights on every available surface and lily-pad pillows arranged in a circle on… Read the full story

You can buy a naked doll of yourself if you can take the nightmarish truth

(Picture: Firebox)
Why not reflect on how absurd and unattractive the whole of humanity is with one of these personalised naked dolls? (Picture: Firebox)

Ever wanted to get a naked, Barbie-sized doll of yourself?

No? Me neither, but you can anyway thanks to the modern wonders of 3D printing and Firebox, who are selling them.

Yes, Nudees have come out of our nightmares and into our world.

Your very own head can be reproduced in miniature by sculptors working with 3D print technology and matching your skin tone.

Then, controversial bit, said head is plonked on one of just six body types (three for men, three for women) each more terrifying than the last.

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Mum designs fake tattoo sleeves for babies with attitude

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge get romantic in the snow on Royal skiing trip

This dog looks like a big furry penis when he sleeps


We all know how cute dogs look when they sleep. 

But this dog? Not so much.

Because when your dog looks like a huge furry penis when he sleeps, there’s really not all that much to ‘Awwww’ at. Seriously.

Reddit user Eddiesbrother shared a photo of his fluffy dog enjoying some peaceful slumber to share his new-found discovery.

But, other users weren’t too quick to agree – and actually seemed pretty worried for the dog-owner.

One said:

If your penis looks like that you should probably see a doctor.

MORE: Dog gets head stuck in cereal box while on the scavenge, learns valuable lesson

But it’s okay, because others were there to comfort him:

Funnily enough, my penis looks like a slobbering Doberman when I sleep.

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Builders invent real-life version of Whack-A-Mole game


This is probably why you shouldn’t leave six guys unsupervised for too long. Although we guess it could have been worse.

After a day’s work at Seasons Scaffolding, in Brighton, East Sussex, Scaffolder Jordan Eason and colleagues invented… Read the full story

Mum speaks out against rude comments about her baby’s birthmark


Instagram Photo

One mum is speaking out against remarks made towards her daughter, who has a large birthmark across her face. 

Six-month-old Charlie Crenshaw was born with capillary hemangioma – a vascular tumor that can range in size and shape.

The birthmark, which occurs during the early stages of pregnancy when the vascular system is developing, has no known cause of prevention.

While some can be troublesome when left untreated, Charlie’s birthmark was harmless, and was therefore deemed to be nothing but cosmetic.

Despite Charlie’s mark being merely a facial difference, Katie Crenshaw, Charlie’s mother, has received various negative comments from friends, family and passersby.

And she’s had enough of it.

Instagram Photo

In a post written to her blog, she is taking a stand against the people who feel it’s necessary to comment on her young daughter’s appearance.

She wrote: ‘We don’t need to talk about it every time you look at her. We see past… Read the full story

Transgender woman plans to re-affirm vows after previously marrying as a man

11 super-cute animals and their cuddly lookalike teddy bears

(Picture: Lerchasaurus/Imgur)

We like to think of it as the Ant and Dec effect. With a mini-me by your side, you can conquer the world.

Which is why it’s not uncommon for lonely rescue animals, or those suffering from depression, to be given cuddly lookalike toys.

Not only does it bolster their confidence and make them feel part of a close-knit team, but it’s also absolutely adorable.

To help get you through the day, we give you 11 super-cute animals and their cuddly mini-mes (or, in some cases, maxi-mes).

Eric the rescue piglet and his stuffed pig Gundy Gunderson

Instagram Photo

Eric was rescued from a petting farm/pork farm after his back… Read the full story

15 things every Marmite lover knows

(Picture: Marmite)
(Picture: Marmite)

It’s strong, it’s dark and it’s… yeasty.

Marmite is the goo of Gods and continues to spread unconditional love all over the UK.

Here’s 15 things you only know if you’re obsessed with Marmite.

1. Everyone has their own Marmite to butter ratio

And no one seems to get it right unless you do it yourself.

2. That empty feeling of dipping your knife in and realising there’s no Marmite left

And you can never be prepared because of the camouflaged brown jar.

3. The struggle of going abroad

Marmite was the second-most confiscated item at London City Airport.

Breakfast on a beach just wouldn’t be enjoyable without a pot of the good stuff.

4. Squeezy Marmite is handy… Read the full story

Man who went to pole dancing class ‘as a joke’ says it’s changed his life – and his physique

Photo credit: PA Real Life/Katarzyna Milewska. Pictured: Jakub Kolasa from office worker to Pole Dancer. (see full caption on title - bottom of picture). Usage: ANY publication (print, online, broadcast) of this image will incur a fee. Contact PA Real Life Online Editor Anna Roberts on +44 (0) 2079637218. Story: Jakub Kolasa is a former office worker who went from working as a sales agent to becoming a champion POLE-DANCER after going to a class for a joke and falling in love with it.
Impressive (Picture: PA Real Life/Katarzyna Milewska)

Jakub Kolasa has gone from sitting in front of a screen all day at a recruitment agency to working as a full-time freelance… Read the full story

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