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This wrinkly dog desperately needs donations to help pay for her face-lift

People are revealing the brilliant stories behind their pets’ names


Every pet owner has some sort of story behind their pets’ names.

Maybe it was a celebrity, a character in a cartoon or film, or your favourite food that gave you inspiration.

While some stories delve deeper into our psyche than others, pretty much every name has a cool story at its root – and Reddit users have been revealing them on a thread.

One person was so into The Sims, she just knew her dog would rock their name choice: 

I used to have a ‘family’ in the Sims that operated as a brothel (had a mod that would give Sims money when they woohoo’d with anyone that didn’t live on their lot). One of the hookers adopted a dog one day, and it was already named Taffy. We somehow decided that it was a great dog name, and named our teacup chihuahua after it. Our dog is named after a fictional prostitute’s fictional dog.

This one is… Read the full story

The Australian government started a hashtag and everyone totally took the p***


Twitter users have been handed hours of fun after the Australian government unveiled street signs asking for business ideas from people all over the country. 

The signs, which were part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda, have inspired Australian Twitter users to come up with their own, highly important business suggestions.

And while they are *probably* mocking the campaign completely, we can’t deny that some of them are seriously amazing ideas that we are 100% behind.

Such as these: 


You can use your beauty blender to dye your hair – because it really is a life-saver


We all know that beauty blenders are a gift from the Gods.

They somehow have the ability to make any blemish look flawlessly smooth and redness-free, without making us feel like we’re absolutely caked in make-up.

The best thing about them? How remarkably inexpensive they are considering what they are able to gift us with.

But it turns out we’ve all been missing out on one gloriously effective use of the beloved beauty blender – hair strobing.

If you don’t already know what hair strobing is, it’s where you add a little colour to the parts of your hair where light would naturally hit, to help give a glossier look.

But most recently, Jamie Stevens, a professional hair stylist, has been using the technique to add non-natural colours to the hair, blending them in without that harsh-edge look that sometimes just doesn’t sit quite right.

And how does he do it? You guessed it.  A beauty blender.

Jamie has been… Read the full story

This amazing 24-year-old man is a one-armed bodybuilder

(Picture: Caters Clips/YouTube)
(Picture: Caters Clips/YouTube)

Mak Okun is a 24-year-old bodybuilder from Arizona USA. But unlike others letting off steam in the gym, this guys doing it with just one arm. 

The gym-fanatic who was born missing the lower half of his arm, now uses a prosthetic arm which is so strong it even helps him on the bench press.

Mak has worked with Advanced Arm Dynamics – a company that specialises in upper extremity prosthetic rehabilitation – to use a ‘sleeve’ which he attaches to the remaining part of his arm to make it easier to pump some iron.

The prosthetic, which is made from carbon fibre, has a pin lock system and can perform… Read the full story

This drag queen just gave us so much 90’s nostalgia with these amazing character looks


Remember Phi Phi O’Hara from Ru Paul’s Drag Race? Well it turns out dressing up as a fierce queen isn’t all she’s good at. 

Showcasing off her talents in her own project called ‘365 Days of Drag’, Phi Phi has been owning Instagram with looks you didn’t even believe were possible to recreate.

Some of the her recreations will give you so much nostalgia you’ll genuinely wish you were back in the 90’s, (if you didn’t already, that is).

Here she is rocking Helga Pataki – Hey Arnold! 

Instagram Photo

Eliza Thornberry – The Wild Thornberrys 

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Angelica’s beloved doll, Cynthia – Rugrats 

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Judy Funnie – Doug

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Daria Morgendorffer – Daria

Instagram Photo

Your jaw will drop for this one… Rainbow Dash – My Little… Read the full story

International Women’s Day: 16 inspirational women to remember

Time to celebrate all the awesome women in the world! (Picture: Getty)
Time to celebrate all the awesome women in the world! (Picture: Getty)

Happy International Women’s Day!

The event takes place every year on March 8 and celebrates the achievements of women around the world – and encourages people to take action to improve gender equality.

This year’s theme is ‘Pledge For Parity’ and aims to take a step towards equal pay among women and men.

The World Economic Forum predicted last year that it will take until 2133 to close the gender pay gap. That alarming statistic shows there is much work to do in the future, but it’s also worth looking back… Read the full story

16 high protein recipes for when you’re trying to cut carbs

(Picture: Amanda Bootes)
Roasted veggies with garlic pitta and sweet chilli dressing (Picture: Amanda Bootes)

So you want to get more protein in your body but are sick to death of protein shakes

Besides, you want some real food in your belly.

Check out these incredible high protein snacks that are guaranteed to satisfy.

1. Protein burger

You had me at burger.

(Picture: http://proteinpow.com)
(Picture: http://proteinpow.com)

Get the recipe… Read the full story

IWD 2016: Why British Asians need to celebrate International Women’s Day

Have you made the #PledgeForParity yet? (Picture: Getty)

Feminism is an important global issue, but for British Asian females the desperate need for our community to embrace it can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. 

Today (Tuesday, March 8) is International Women’s Day and, as always, at the heart of the campaign is equality.

Naturally once we embrace equality, we can then start to create a better society in which we are all valued and respected fairly.

Despite the greater focus on the role of women and our treatment, it is still not easy being a female and navigating everyday life in 2016.

But imagine having to tackle injustices such as everyday sexism, the pay gap, slut shaming, mis-representation… Read the full story

Any cat owner will understand these pictures of cats watching their owners eat


Instagram Photo

While some pet owners are completely against their pets ogling their food as they try to enjoy dinner time, others are more excepting of their four-legged friends joining in.

But one couple’s cats love to watch them eat so much that they decided to document it for a funny little photos series.

The photos, which are majorly adorable and bound to give you a giggle, show their two cats staring out dish after dish in the hope that they’ll get their own little plate too.

And with the amount of meals that the fluffy felines can be seen eyeing-up, we’re actually pretty surprised they don’t have their own place set at the table.

But nope, they prefer to sit on their owner’s laps

International Women’s Day 2016: 20 amazing women of our time

We can DEFINITELY do it (Picture: Getty Images)
We can DEFINITELY do it (Picture: Getty Images)

Today is International Women’s Day – and what better excuse do we need to celebrate the many amazing women living today around the world? It’s easy, when we celebrate influential women, to focus on historical figures and forget the women who are making a difference right now.

So let’s take a look at 21 incredible and inspirational women from our time.

Virginia Wade (b. 1945)

Man sums up the frustrations of looking for a job with poem inspired by Eminem’s Stan

Eminem poem
Dear employers…(Picture: YouTube)

Dubliner Lewis Kenny is a recent graduate and part-time poet.

Like many graduates, he’s pretty fed up of the endless job search. So, he decided to sum up the frustrations with a poem, inspired by Eminem’s Stam (so, yeah, it’s a little bit sweary).

Lewis called his summation of the countless rejections and hours spent waiting for that call, ‘Still Trying and Nothing’, and shared it on Facebook over the weekend.

His ‘poem for the unemployed’ will speak to anyone who’s ever sent out what feels like hundreds CVs and covering letters and never heard back.

We recommend listening to Stan before reading the post in full below.

Hero saves texting kid from being taken out by flying baseball bat

Save (Picture: Christopher Horner/Twitter)

This is why you really need to look up from your phone occasionally. Especially when there are flying balls and, sometimes, bats around.

A sports photographer managed to capture the exact moment a kid in the stands at a Pittsburgh Pirates Vs. Atlanta Braves baseball game almost took a bat to the face.

The boy, seemingly engrossed in his phone, was only saved by the quick thinking of the hero next to him, who deflects it with his outstretched arm.

Sports photojournalist Christopher Horner, who works for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, shared two images of the moment the kid’s life flashed before his eyes on Twitter.

Woman shares graphic skin cancer selfies to warn people off tanning beds

Judy Cloud hopes by sharing her graphic pictures of skin cancer surgery, she’ll show people tanning beds aren’t worth it (Picture: Judy Cloud/Facebook)

‘This is skin cancer. This is the result of using tanning beds when I was younger. This is the result of having numerous sunburns as a child and teen, and not being religious about applying sunscreen,’ wrote Judy Cloud last September, just before going in for her fourth surgery to remove cancerous spots.

The 49-year-old mum-of-two from Indianapolis, Indiana, has been battling skin cancer for over two decades after visiting tanning beds in her 20s and, by her own admission, ‘staying out in the sun too long’ without adequate protection.

According to… Read the full story

Orphaned baby elephants wear PJs and slippers to bed to help them sleep more easily

11 of the worst logo fails of all time

Definitely not a penis… (Picture: Andyburdens/Imgur)

A good logo can make or break a business – it’s part of your brand and the first thing customers will associate with you.

Those clever designers beaver away making some smashing logos that we know and love – from the McDonald’s golden arches and the Nando’s chicken to the bitten Apple and the Adidas stripes.

But, just sometimes, things don’t go quite to plan.

At times like this you can’t help but wonder WTF those designers were thinking. These are the best examples of that.

Here’s 11 of the worst logo fails of all time.

1. Megaflicks  

Harrods has officially reached peaked Harrods with ridiculously over the top ‘contact us’ options

You don’t have to be a princess to shop in Harrods but it helps (Picture: Getty)

We’ll be honest, we haven’t been to Harrods in years. Not since we visited on trips up to London as kids, when they had actual puppies in the pets department (true story).

Jason Donovan probably hasn’t been in years either – not since he was refused entry for wearing ripped knee-length jeans in the mid-90s (again, true story).

But, it’s nice to know the fanciest of fancy London department stores hasn’t let standards slip.

During a visit to the Contact Us page recently (which may or may not have involved some ridiculously over-priced shoes), we decided to pop in our contact details,… Read the full story

International Women’s Day 2016: 10 inspiring quotes from kick-ass women


It’s International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the achievements of women in a social, economic, cultural and political space.

It’s a day to pay tribute to the amazing women of our time, and to highlight the need to continue the fight for gender equality.

Women in the public eye have long used their position to inspire women and girls around the world and, while those platforms have changed radically and the messages have been adapted to our changing times – times in which celebrity culture and social media have altered the landscape of our lives forever – the backbone of the messages remain the same: Positivity, respect, acceptance, confidence.

In an industry ruled by artifice, they are refreshing and important messages.

Here are ten inspirational quotes from some of our favourite female celebrities.

Emma Watson: 

Woman spends thousands transforming house and campervan into fabulously kitsch 1950s palaces

PIC BY DAN ROWLANDS/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Emma Edwards in her 1950s inspired campervan.) - A woman obsessed with the 1950s has splashed out 20,000 transforming her 1930s home and campervan into mid-century meccas. Emma Edwards, who works under the alter ego Miss Bamboo, has painstakingly recreated an authentic vintage-looking 1950s Tiki-inspired home with her partner Nigel Preston, 58, in Greater Manchester. And after kitting out the house the online vintage reproduction boutique owner of missbamboo.co.uk then turned her attention to transforming a neglected 1963 Globetrotter Airstream into a mobile Polynesian paradise. SEE CATERS COPY.
Emma Edwards inside her 1950s cocktail bar-on-wheels (Picture: Caters)

We wouldn’t be surprised if Elvis were haunting… Read the full story

Jack Russell with ‘smoker’s cough’ is now much better after owner quits smoking

Rooney's smokers cough is now almost completely cured
Rooney sounded like he had a 20-a-day smoking habit (Picture: PDSA)

Ahead of National No Smoking Day this week (Wednesday, March 9), one animal charity wants to remind people that it’s not just humans who are at risk from passive smoking.

Rooney the Jack Russell cross from London developed a smoker’s cough after living with owner Kathleen Dove’s 20 a day cigarette habit for over a decade.

Last summer, vets at PDSA’s Bow Pet Hospital told Kathleen, 68, that Rooney’s persistent cough was very likely caused by her smoking.

She quit the habit immediately and says it has made a huge difference to the 11-year-old dog’s health. Nearly 12… Read the full story

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