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Men, listen up: Here’s how to shave your balls without getting hair EVERYWHERE


I’m going to be honest, I didn’t realise men actually shaved their balls. 

Not in real-life, anyway.

I thought it was something that only happened in pornos, in order to make the man involved (and his penis) stand out a little more when being completely out-acted by the woman and her false moans.

But apparently, men do take pride in keeping that area well-trimmed, and why not?

While I can’t say I’ve ever witnessed the mess left after a man has shaved his genitals, I can say I’ve seen the aftermath of shaving a beard – so I can only imagine the sort of mess any more extensive shaving may cause.

But, as one clever guy pointed out on LadBible, there is actually a way to avoid the mess of your body hair, without blocking the sink, toilet, or leaving your family members a nasty surprise in the bathroom bin.

Simply stretch one handle of a plastic carrier bag over… Read the full story

This is why you should ALWAYS check your shoes when in Australia


If you have a fear of spiders – or any creepy crawly at that – it’s probably best you go and find a nice article about cute fluffy animals or something instead. 

But if not, at the very least expect the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up.

One dad has taken to YouTube to both laugh at his son’s expense and warn the rest of the Australia to check their shoes before putting them on – especially if they are left outside overnight like his son’s were.

In the video, he sprays the inside of the trainer with an aerosol to reveal a large web has been spun inside the shoe.

As he pokes the trained with a stick, a terrifyingly chunky black spider casually crawls out of his new-found home.

It makes your skin itch just watching it.

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Emotional video shows the moment a girl asked the man who raised her to formally adopt her

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The ending is pretty emotional (Picture: Misty Nicole Knight/Facebook)

Not had your mid-week sob at your desk yet? Right, then we’ll begin.

A video of the moment a daughter asked the man who had raised her to officially become her adoptive father has been viewed over 23 million times since it was shared on Facebook.

In the video that has left thousands teary eyed, Misty Nicole Knight, 20, from Richton Park, Illinois, is seen presenting Ryan Farrell with a bright red box and a letter, which she asks him to read out loud.

Warning: this video randomly includes a Star Wars Force Awakens spoiler. 

Do you crumble OXO cubes into your pan? Turns out you’ve been doing it wrong

(Picture: monster/Flickr)
(Picture: monster/Flickr)

Turns out most of us have been using OXO cubes the wrong way all our lives. 

But it’s not totally our fault. It’s an easy mistake to make – and one that is made by even the most brilliant of chefs.

You probably crumble the cube into a pan, bowl or jug of boiling water, despite it being incredibly messy to do so and a bit annoying when more of it sticks to your fingers than goes in the pot.

But all this time we’ve been ignoring one vital piece of information – that one woman has kindly pointed out for us.

According to Kasie Riley, the folded flaps we see on the sides… Read the full story

Exercise tips: How to do the perfect squat for your squat challenge

Picture: Hamish Darby / Flickr)
(Picture: Hamish Darby / Flickr)

Everyone seems to be squatting at the gym – and who can blame them?

It’s a perfect compound exercise that works many muscles all at once – including your glutes, quads and core.

But so many people do it wrong, activating the wrong muscles and leaving themselves prone to injury.

British Military Fitness recently reported that one in five men perform exercises wrong after learning bad habits from copying others working out – something many of us do.

So to nip bad form in the bud, we enlisted a top personal trainer at London fitness studio SIX3NINE to talk us through how to perform the perfect squat.

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Kid blags his way through exam question by channelling Donald Trump


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When a kid was asked what the capital of Canada is during a test, he came up with something pretty brilliant to avoid losing marks when he seemingly wasn’t sure of the correct answer. 

And yes, it was a little more creative than ‘C’.

The teacher (or, call us cynics, but perhaps the person pretending to be a kid to make a viral internet post) shared a picture of his ‘student’s’ test answer to Reddit, with the caption ‘This is why I teach’.

The ‘student’ had answered:

Of course I know the capital of Canada. It’s a great country. It’s really great. Everyone wants to know what the capital of Canada is. And you know what I tell them? I tell them that we have a foolproof plan for naming the capital of Canada. And that’s why we’re going to be the best at… Read the full story

Spotify has created a playlist for childbirth and it might put you off having children

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Just wait till she gets to Coldplay (Picture: Getty)

Spotify has released a playlist specifically designed to be listened to during childbirth, and it may put you off childbirth full stop.

The birthing playlist was developed in consultation with obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Jacques Moritz from Manhattan’s New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

It’s fair to say Dr Moritz has got pretty middle-of-the-road tastes.

He’s also fairly optimistic, given that the playlist is only two hours and nine minutes long. Taking into account the fact the average childbirth lasts between 12 and 24 hours, you’re going to need that playlist on repeat.


Let’s be honest, if we were a foetus forced to… Read the full story

How to take a toddler out in public (if you really must)

Why aren’t you behaving like an adult?! (Picture: Getty)

Toddlers are unpredictable, noisy, messy and prone to flying into a rage at the slightest little thing.

So, the best thing to do if you have one is to keep them inside your house at all times.

A mother was told to leave a John Lewis store after her toddler had a tantrum.nLindsay Robinson was shopping at the Trafford Centre branch when her 16-month-old daughter, Heidi, had a temper fit.nShe was trying to calm her daughter down, a member of staff from menswear approached and made her leave the shop.nLindsay, 36, from Prestwich, said: ¿He said to me ¿I¿m afraid… <a href=Read the full story

Brits outraged over changes to Jammie Dodger recipe

Stock photo of Jammie Dodger biscuits. See SWNS story SWJAMMIE; Parents and vegans are up in arms over plans for a revamp of Jammie Dodgers - which will see MILK added to the recipe for the iconic biscuit. The British favourite - famous for having a heart shaped centre filled with sticky jam - is being shaken up by makers Burton Biscuits to tackle dwindling sales. 22 per cent less sugar and new style packaging, says its makers.
Don’t go changing (Picture: SWNS)

This really takes the biscuit.

First they change our Creme Eggs, now they’re messing with our Jammie Dodgers.

Burton Biscuits, who make the jammy shortbread biscuit, have announced changes to the original… Read the full story

4 fail-safe ways to hide a spot

Don’t do this! Just cover it instead (Picture: Getty)

Urgh! What is it with spots?

They pop up at the most important times in our social calendar and always in the most obvious of places on our faces.

There’s so much discussion about what causes these blemishes, but one thing’s for sure – once they’ve appeared, we want to hide them immediately.

Here are five fail-safe ways to disguise the little blighters.

Reduce the inflammation

Spots are usually red and angry looking.

As a short-term fix, hold an ice cube over them to bring down the swelling – the cold will reduce blood flow to the area which will make it look less inflamed.

Finally, before you move on to applying… Read the full story

People are tweeting about their worst sexual experiences with #BadSexIn3Words

(Picture: Getty Images)
(Picture: Getty)

If you’ve never had rubbish sex, you’re incredibly lucky. 

However, if you have, why not tell the world about it? Just like these Twitter users, who are describing their worst sexual experiences in three words with the hashtag #BadSexIn3Words.

While some are extremely relatable, others are a little awkward and some are eye-opening, to say the least.

Of course, there were the obvious ones 

The funny ones

The most amazing lip art on Instagram will leave you in awe


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One makeup artist is really bringing her profession to life by creating the most wonderful lip art on the internet. 

Decorating her lips with stunning designs, Andrea Reed has built up an Instagram following of over 100,000 people who just can’t get enough of her inventive art.

Sure, we’ve seen various amazing lip trends including an incredible artist who created cartoon characters using her lips – but this really is something else.

Behold: The Great Wave. 

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Simply stunning. 

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Her nature-based line-work is amazing. 

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This patchwork style is gorgeous. 

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How is this even possible?!

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This sweet honeycomb style is on point.

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A disabled man got his bum scanned and turned it into a treasure map for home decor

Example 'butt-scan' (Picture: PaulChanel/Imgur)
Example ‘butt-scan’ (Picture: PaulChanel/Imgur)

Disabled veteran Paul Chanel was on the hunt for a wheelchair seat that would relieve pressure on his skin, so he went for a hi-tech scan that would reveal areas that were most in contact with his chair.

(Picture: PaulChanel/Imgur)
(Picture: PaulChanel/Imgur)

The scan, which demonstrates various pressure points using a range of bright colours, looked far too artistic to just… Read the full story

Mummy-blogger urges other mothers to get naked around their children to teach them about real bodies


How often do your children see you naked? One mummy blogger is saying it’s probably not enough. 

Constance Hall – a parent and blogger who recently made a name for herself after her brutally honest post about ‘parent sex‘ went viral – has today started another important conversation on her Facebook page..

The blogger, who has an online following of over 491,000, shared a nude image of herself and her son, with an important message in which she urged other mothers to be more open with their bodies around their children.

(Picture: Constance Hall)
(Picture: Constance Hall)

She wrote: ‘I advocate nakedness around your children, homes and husbands. I don’t want my boys’ expectations… Read the full story

This is how your dog sees you compared to how you see yourself


We all know that if we want unconditional love and support, dogs are the way forward. 

No matter how caring your partner is, there’s just something your dog has that they don’t. The ability to listen without debating with you or repeatedly asking ‘but why do you feel like this?’ when you have no explanation as to why you feel so sad.

You can have the worst day at work, but the overly-ecstatic greeting you receive from your furry friend can snap you out of it in an instance.

They are perfect little creatures – and in their eyes we can do no wrong, even when we’re hating on ourselves in the worst possible way.

Now artist Kelly Angel has created perfect little illustrations to sum up how we see ourselves, compared to how dogs see us.

If you’re having a bit of a downer of a day – this will definitely cheer you up. Or convince you to… Read the full story

17 things you’ll only know if your cousin is your best friend


Being best friends with your cousin is different to any other friendship. Sure, your friendship shares the same qualities as any other – but there’s so much more.

You know more about each other. You can offer better advice. And, although you’ve experienced the same petty arguments as non-related friends, you made up quicker than the rest.

Here are 17 things you’ll know if your cousin is your best friend.

1. You have more memories to look back on than the average friendship. 

While others may argue that they’ve been friends their entire lives, it’s different when you’re related. You don’t just look back on parties, sleepovers or those 3am drunken chats about boys. You have family parties, christenings, weddings and other family events under your belt that you can laugh about and cringe over together.

2. But you’ve probably had more arguments. 

Sure, you may have grown out of it… Read the full story

Dog who underwent amputation due to bone cancer needs financial help in order to get his life back


Boomee was diagnosed with bone cancer in July last year and his owners were informed that their beloved dog was in need of a leg amputation and chemotherapy.

Unfortunately for his owners, the surgery needed was incredibly expensive, and it took them a month and a half to be able to find a vet that was able to help work around their financial circumstances.

But still, the cost for the treatment Boomee would need as a whole came to $10,000 – and the devastated pair were devastated to think they would not be able to afford it.

Realising they were completely out of their depth financially, they took a last step towards saving their beloved pet’s life.

The internet.

They set up a GoFundMe page in order to raise funds to save Boomee’s life.

And luckily, after posting the page to Reddit, an influx of donations came through and… Read the full story

Uniqlo has launched its first hijab collection, with a UK designer

Uniqlo is the first major high street retailer to launch a line of fashionable hijab and modest wear (Picture: Uniqlo)

Uniqlo has created a fashion range in collaboration with young UK designer Hana Tajima, which features hijab headscarves and kebaya.

The line, previously only available in Southeast Asia, has just launched throughout the US for the first time.

They’re the first major high street brand to create a full line of fashionable headscarves and modest wear.

The range combines casual pieces including tapered ankle-length trousers and blouses, to more traditional wear like kebaya and hijab, bringing together contemporary design and comfy fabrics with traditional values.

In other words, the clothes are comfortable and modest, but finished in stylish… Read the full story

Dad throws £4.2 million party for daughter’s 15th birthday

This woman wanted some vintage lingerie to go under her favourite 1950s dresses, so she just made her own

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Yes, she made this herself (Picture: Christine McConnell)

We imagine there’s very little Christine McConnell can’t do if she sets her mind to it.

She describes herself as an artist and photographer, but, really, she’s a creative genius. You may know her as the Gothic Baker as she creates wonderfully grotesque Tim Burton-style cakes. Like a really glamorous Morticia Adams.

She’s also hit the headlines for giving her parents’ house epic Halloween and Christmas makeovers each year – last year, she created a twisted horror house of many eyes.

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