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Dad turns sons’ bedroom into the inside of the Millennium Falcon and it’s out of this world

The UK’s first vegan, free-from ice cream parlour has opened

 (Picture: Deni Kirkova)
(Picture: Deni Kirkova)

The UK’s first vegan free-from ice cream parlour has just opened in London.

Yorica! is based on Wardour Street and serves all sorts, from nut-free peanut butter ice cream to matcha green tea frozen yoghurt and tonnes of different shakes.

All products and toppings are free from wheat, gluten, dairy, lactose, eggs, nuts, GMO and artificial sweeteners – and everything is fully vegan, even their ‘Oreos’.

It’s perfect for people with an allergy or intolerance, or those who fancy a treat they can attempt to convince themselves is ‘healthier’.

The ice cream and froyo base recipe uses rice milk and coconut cream.

MORE: Rock star’s quest to inspire young… Read the full story

11 reasons cuddly men make the best boyfriends

James Corden arrives at the premiere of One Chance
James Corden (Picture: PA)

When it comes to male physical perfection, it is widely believed that this needs to include rippling muscles, a rock solid six-pack and thighs that could crack walnuts.

As admirable as the body of an Adonis is, when it comes to boyfriend material (and being good in the sack), muscles aren’t all that.

From something to snuggle up to at night to proof that he knows how to enjoy himself – here are 11 reasons why cuddly men make the best boyfriends.

1. They’ve got more important things to worry about than their six-pack

Like having a good time and enjoying life.

Because, whilst we all… Read the full story

After an elective mastectomy, woman decides to ditch her job and travel where her followers take her

Claira Hermet doesn’t know what’s going to happen next (Picture: Claira Hermet/Caters)

After undergoing an elective double mastectomy last year, Claira Hermet decided life was too short. She ditched the day job and went travelling round the world.

And, to add a little extra adventure, she’s getting her blog followers to suggest where she goes next.

Former BBC radio and TV presenter, Claira had an elective double mastectomy in early 2015, at the age of just 28.

She had already lost her mum to breast cancer when she was nine-years-old and then her sister, Emily, succumbed to the disease four years ago (Emily was just 31).

Instagram Photo

After discovering that… Read the full story

Esther the not-so-micro pig inspires couple to go vegan and open animal sanctuary

 (Picture: Esther the Wonder Pig/Metro.co.uk)
(Picture: Esther the Wonder Pig/Metro.co.uk)

Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter were dedicated meat-eaters who bought a micro pig.

That was back in 2012.

A few months later the ‘pint-sized’ family pet had grown to 670lbs (304kg) – the size of a large, female polar bear.

But rather than sell her to a farmer, the couple from Ontario, Canada, accepted her just as she was.

Besotted, they also became vegans and opened a farm animal sanctuary.

14 recipes every cheese lover needs in their life

CHEESE! (Picture: Getty)

Every cheese lover knows there’s no such thing as too much cheese and pretty much ANY dish can be made better with more cheese.

So what’s for dinner tonight?

1. Homemade Cheese Stuffed Burgers

Burgers? Good. Cheese? Good. Stuff stuffed with other stuff? Good. Slab a few bits of cheese on top of the burger too and it’s going to be one of the best foodgasms of your life.

Instagram Photo

2. Jalapeno Cheddar Burgers

Spicy cheese is a pretty special type of cheese, something any real cheese lover will know to be true. So if you fancy kicking things up a notch (and maybe experimenting with… Read the full story

This taco chair will take napping to the next level

Taco chair
Taco for two (Picture: Blandito)

This is for anyone who’s ever dreamt of laying themselves down on a soft pillowy tortilla and drifting off to sleep.

Introducing the taco chair. Well, the internet’s named it the taco chair. Makers Blandito call it a multifunctional pad, which is slightly less sexy.

Either way, it’s the soft, cosy cocoon your daytime naps have been crying out for.

You can either use it for snuggling on the sofa, as an armchair in its own right, or as a rug that doubles as a daybed.

Girl ruthlessly ensures her ex-boyfriend never gets a Tinder date again by completely screwing up his bio

Credit: Alamy
Credit: Alamy

One boy’s ex-girlfriend made sure her former flame would never receive a Tinder match again after she discovered he was using the dating app behind her back.

After two months of a Tinder dry-spell, Benjamin Hurley decided to look into why he wasn’t receiving any right swipes.

And it turns out, his ex had a lot to do with it.

Posting to Facebook, he laughed at himself as he told his friends why he’d received no female interest for a while.

Apparently, a Tinder bio really is vital in receiving a right swipe.

Here’s what was written on his Tinder profile:

I had a girlfriend until she found my Tinder profile…

Let’s just say I’m… Read the full story

VisitScotland is looking for an ‘Ambassadog’ to ‘represent the spirit of Scotland’

The winning candidate will be passionate about Scotland (Picture: Getty)

VisitScotland, Scotland’s national tourist board, is looking for a dog who will represent the spirit of Scotland around the world.

Could your pup be the ‘Ambassadog’ they’re after?

The successful candidate will be outgoing, passionate about Scotland, and won’t pee on foreign dignitaries’ carpets.

They also need to have enthusiasm for travel, mostly within Scotland, and have a nose for great food and drink.

If selected, the winning dog and their owner will be… Read the full story

We’ve fallen in love with this funky pop-art eye makeup

This eye makeup pop art is is amazing
This eye makeup pop art is is amazing (Picture: Tal Peleg/Instagram)

Tal Peleg is a talented makeup-artist who specialises in creating beautiful designs using her eyes as a base. 

While most of us are having trouble just perfecting the much-loved cat-eye, Tal is putting us all to shame with her quirky eye-art.

She has built up an Instagram following over 250,000 people, as well as a Facebook page with almost half a million fans who are as in love with her work as we are.

Check out her cute emoji-inspired look

Instagram Photo

Her Spider-Man is awesome!

Instagram… <a href=Read the full story

This married woman is changing back to her maiden name – here’s why

(Picture: Emily LaFave Olson)
Emily (Picture: Emily LaFave Olson)

Before Emily Olson married her husband she wasn’t worried about having the perfect wedding.

Did you know?

Only 20% of women keep their maiden names. Source: NY Times

Instead she was worried about whether or not she… Read the full story

The Creme Egg burger is back and this time it’s deep fried

(Picture: K West Hotel)
The deep fried Creme Egg burger (Picture: K West Hotel)

Last year we brought you the news that Creme Egg burgers were available at a London Hotel.

Well this year they’re back – and now they’re deep fried.

Studio Kitchen in K West Hotel & Spa has created deep fried creme egg mini sliders.

There’s a brioche bun dipped in white chocolate and dusted in raspberry sprinkles.

Then there’s the ‘burger’ – a battered creme egg, topped with mascarpone cream and strawberry jelly.

Important: A new Cards Against Humanity-type game may be about to launch

Bad Words Must Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hosnovan/bad-words-the-18-word-game-of-dirty-taboo-words
(Picture: Bad Words)

A new Cards Against Humanity (CAH)-type game may be about to launch – and we couldn’t be more excited. 

And just like CAH, it’s been created by a group of friends, who are looking for funding for the game through a KickStarter project.

The game, which is pretty much a mix of CAH and Taboo, is word-game for people who ‘prefer to use colorful language to express how they feel’.

After joining up in pairs or groups, the aim of the game is to get your teammates to say the bad word on your card, without actually using the bad words.

Woman live tweets her very random journey to work (featuring a cement baby and an angry mob)

Live tweet
This is not actually Lily (Picture: Getty/Twitter)

Think your journey to work this morning was bad? You’ve got nothing on Twitter user and thirty-five-year-old Hackney resident Lily Potkin.

Her journey to work this morning was so random, she decided to live tweet it.

Let’s just say it features a fake cement baby, a domestic with a stranger about the aforementioned fake baby, and a braying, angry mob.

It began, in the rain, around 8am this morning. 

It was, at first, like any other day. 

This dog noticed his owner was sad… so brought her brilliant gifts to cheer her up


A service dog who on several occasions has noticed his owners sadness is filling the internet’s hearts with happiness after he was pictured bringing her a gift to try and cheer her up. 

While other pets like to bring in mice to make you smile (no really, they think they’re doing a good thing), this dog had other ideas. BETTER ideas.


Yes, this fluffy little dog thought a potato was just what his distressed owner needed to help her relax.

Posting a photo of the dog and the potato to Tumblr, user Drovie wrote: ‘Today at therapy was really hard. I was sitting here crying, and generally being miserable, when I felt a nudge at my knee. I looked down to see that Zeus, my service dog, was doing his job… and brought me a potato.’

Cankle surgery is here: Women are getting threads sewn under their skin for ‘ankle lift’

Patient Kate Lavery pictured after her ankle lift (Picture: Professor Syed Haq)
Patient Kate Lavery pictured after her ankle lift (Picture: Professor Syed Haq)

Thanks to widespread panic over perfectly normal ankles, plastic surgeons have developed a new treatment they say can rid us of cankles, as if we didn’t have enough to spend our money without getting face-lifts on our feet.

The so-called ‘facelift for your extremities’ involves inserting a thread under the skin, pulling it up from underneath, to give a ‘lifted’ and streamlined look on ankles that patients might deem to be too saggy or ‘chunky’.

The treatment, called PDO thread therapy, is designed to tighten skin and induce collagen production to give the area… Read the full story

Homeless puppies and kittens play football in the cutest ‘adopt me’ video ever


Kitten Bowl 3 http://www.animalleague.org/events-news/events/kitten-bowl/kb3-recap.html

A team of kittens played a team of puppies at American football in an attempt to find new homes. 

Broadcast on national TV, part bewildered, part delighted baby cats and dogs took part in the game as Super Bowl 50 halftime entertainment.

The show saw athletes named Mr. Slippers, Puddles and Marshmallow running around a fake football field chasing tiny footballs.

(Picture: Hallmark Channel)
(Picture: Hallmark Channel)

Is chocolate really good for you?

Is chocolate really healthy for you? Credit: Getty Images/Metro
We all want it to be (Credit: Getty Images/Metro)

It’s the one hope we all cling onto – that our chocolate obsession is benefitting our body somehow.

There has been plenty of research into whether the good stuff is actually doing us any good. Or if it’s just causing us to put on the pounds.

Does chocolate help prevent cancer? Can it lower your risk of heart disease? Can it really make you happy?

With the help of some nutrition experts and science, we present the answers to all your chocolate-based questions.

There are a lot of unknowns and ‘it is argued’ and ‘not enough evidence’ but here’s… Read the full story

Can you guess which is the dog and which is the muffin out of these pictures?


Everyone loves a mind-boggler – and if it includes fluffy dogs and muffins, then all the better. 

In what is possibly the weirdest new internet craze to date, people are uploading pictures comparing dogs to food – and yuo have to guess which is the dog and which is the food.

Of course, some of them are a little obvious – but that’s part of the fun, right?

Let’s try you on this one: Dog or muffin? 

Easy, but if you’re looking out of the corner of your eye, you could be fooled.

How about this: Puppy or bagel? 

Again, that wasn’t too hard.

This one isn’t difficult in the slightest, but LOOK AT HOW CUTE AND YUMMY IT IS AT THE SAME TIME!!

Guy goes completely bat s*** crazy over text after girl cancels date


It’s totally normal to feel a little bit annoyed or a least a somewhat let down when someone cancels a date. Especially if you were really looking forward to it. 

But sometimes you sort of deserve it – a bit like this guy, who got himself nixed after he asked his potential date whether or not she was using birth control.

A little bit personal – considering they’d never met before.

Unsurprisingly, she cancelled their Wednesday evening date there and then.

But instead of taking it like a man and moving on, the guy in question got extremely upset, and sent her a string of borderline-obsessive text messages.

Two words: Lucky. Escape.

It all started with a ridiculously personal question:

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