Coso the dog finally got adopted and she’s pretty damn happy about it
Throw your paws in the air (Picture: Lort Smith/Facebook) This photo of Coso the dog throwing her paws up in the air has been liked 25,000 times after it was shared on Facebook a few days ago. It was...
View ArticleHere’s why you’re more likely to catch a cold after getting a tattoo
Prepare for sniffles. (Picture: Getty) If you’ve ever noticed a case of the sniffles after getting a fresh new tattoo, started panicking that you’ve somehow picked something up from the needle gun you...
View ArticleWatch: The most sassy dogs at Crufts this year
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video The world’s largest dog show Crufts is marking its 125th year and the competitors this...
View ArticleThis may be the grumpiest photo ever taken at Disney World
The happiest place on earth. (Picture: Getty) Disney World: it’s the happiest place on earth, apart from those big Krispy Kreme branches with doughnuts on conveyor belts. Unless you’re this woman. This...
View ArticleHeartbreaking open letter to owners who abandoned dog to die after being left...
An animal rescue centre has written a heartbreaking open letter to the owners of a dog who died after they found her abandoned as a stray. The dog, who they named Hannah after rescuing her, was so...
View ArticleThe winner of the 2016 British Pie Awards is…a pasty
There was also a special category to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday (Picture: British Pie Awards) A pasty has taken top prize in the annual British Pie Awards, sending shock waves through the pie...
View Article‘Hide Your Pain’ Harold from all those famous stock photography memes has...
Hide The Pain Harold is my fave stock photo meme person pic.twitter.com/inlZYkcATx — ᴍɪʀʏᴀʜ (@miryadel) November 30, 2015 You may not recognise him by name – but by face? Oh, you’ll remember. We’ve...
View ArticleMen are putting beads inside their penises for sexual reasons – and the...
With it being 2016, it takes quite a lot to shock us when it comes to body modifications. We’re used to getting excited over new piercings, tattoos and even the occasional stretched ear but some...
View ArticleThis model with Down’s Syndrome is breath-takingly beautiful in this stunning...
Madeline Stuart at Rixey Manor (Picture: Sarah Houston These stunning pictures are straight out of a fairy tale – and the star is none other than model Madeline Stuart. Madeline, who has Down’s...
View ArticleWatch: Just how useful is a chocolate teapot?
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video ‘You’re about as useful as a chocolate teapot!’ said every parent to their child ever....
View Article27 things you only know if you’re the single one in your friendship group
Third wheeling all day, every day. (Picture: Getty) So your friends are all loved up and you’re still truly, deeply, unendingly single. Sure, you’re independent, fulfilled, and perfectly happy without...
View ArticleThis is how your dog sees you compared to how you see yourself
We all know that if we want unconditional love and support, dogs are the way forward. No matter how caring your partner is, there’s just something your dog has that they don’t. The ability to listen...
View ArticleWoman dares to live-tweet the discovery of spider nest in her smoke alarm
Twitter user Lindsy West was recently faced with something only your darkest nightmares should be capable of. When her smoke alarm started going off, she rushed to it to go fix it. But when the alarm...
View ArticleThese coats are heated, fashionable AND they charge your phone – could life...
While we may have readily available heated jackets, what we don’t have is heated jackets that look incredibly fashionable. But Rana Nakhal Solset, founder of Emel and Aris, may be about to shake...
View ArticleThis brilliant ‘F*** boy starter pack’ is the perfect gift for the guy who...
(Picture: LifeAccordingToJimmy/YouTube) According to Online Slang Dictionary, a f*** boy is a male who tries to be something that he knows nothing about. Urban Dictionary have taken a stronger...
View Article13 things you’ll only know if you’re a really sensitive person
It’s tough being a sensitive person. No matter how much of a tough exterior you try to maintain on the outside, you can’t help but let the little things get to you. And then, you feel bad about...
View Article13 things you’ll only know if you get really bad hangovers
(Picture: Getty) There is no denying that the older you get, the worse the aftermath of a night on the sauce is. We try to kid ourselves that it was the quality of the wine or the lack of sleep, but,...
View ArticleMum breastfeeds behind Victoria’s Secret ad to show double standards of...
A mum-of-three from Seminole, Florida, has been left feeling outraged after a photo that she had uploaded to Facebook was reported and removed. The photo, which showed Maria Corry breastfeeding her...
View ArticleWomen are sharing #UnfairAndLovely selfies to protest discrimination against...
The #UnfairAndLovely trend is protesting shadism. (Picture: Instagram/pricillamark) Sometimes selfies can be a very powerful thing. This week a global movement is taking over Instagram – for a good...
View ArticleThere’s a Kim Kardashian connect the dots book and we actually kind of want it
Kimye forever. (Picture: Sugoi Books) Colouring books are fun, sure. But they’re a bit 2015. The new big thing? Connecting the dots. Just as soothing. Just as likely to attract judgey looks from older...
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