June 2020 was a challenging month. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, Black people protested in the streets and on social media to denounce racism.
The revolution has extended to one critical area: the workplace.
Racism permeates all areas of life, so we’ve seen the movement inspire visible reckoning calls across the corporate world – and rightly so. Creating brand messaging in favour of the Black Lives Matter movement is admirable, but now it is crucial to create long-term diversity and inclusion measures that ensure Black employees are valued.
After all, most of the week is spent at work. It is hard to watch people who look like you being murdered while completing a deadline or delivering a presentation. More needs to be done to support Black employees.
While BLM discussion in your social media feeds may be waning, the movement has only just begun, with Black employees still discussing what support looks like to them. Employees from various industries share what should come next.
‘Create long-term strategies’ – a 28-year-old in the Civil Service
‘The public sector takes pride in racial equality, but in the last month I have experienced anger, loneliness, but most of all disappointment.
‘We had a discussion with senior officials – who are all white – but I felt like no one was really listening to what I said. I left the meeting feeling deflated, not knowing what was to come.
‘Short-term support feels like a box-ticking exercise. For real change, I want to see a carefully-planned strategy. I want to see quarterly town halls where Black employees can stress their concerns, compulsory racism and microaggression training, and the prioritisation of senior-level Black recruitment.
‘I would also feel supported if I could see what my employer is doing beyond the office. Prioritising longer-term diversity within the workforce by going to local communities and schools will help bring exposure to industries that Black people are less likely to consider due to the lack of representation. This will ensure policymaking can become representative of all races in the years to come.’
‘Track data to make targets’ – a 39-year-old in the entertainment industry
‘It is demoralising to know that despite my efforts to focus attention on racial disparities at work, it took the death of George Floyd for our leadership to stop and really start to listen. We had been calling for the business to better understand employee demographics for years. Without this data, it is impossible to create an action plan. If there is no target, there is nothing to aim for.
‘Supporting employees through people management is undervalued once we are in the building. Line managers, especially if they are only a level or two above a direct report, can consciously or unconsciously hinder someone’s career. Moving career and development discussions from line managers to other trained senior colleagues who work closely with HR could encourage more constructive discussions.’
‘Address equity by setting targets’ – a 30-year-old in media
‘My company has removed its head from the sand. We actually have a more diverse team than most and I was promoted to the board five years ago, but the subject of race was never openly discussed until I wrote an article on Black Lives Matter that gained a lot of traction.
‘We have since shifted to active awareness and engaged in company-wide educational conversations on topics such as unconscious bias and privilege.
‘In the short-term, it is everyone’s responsibility to be aware and honestly listen to what we are saying. For senior leaders specifically, the needle needs to shift from awareness to boldly addressing equity. Leaders need to set targets to eradicate ethnicity pay gaps and invest- money & energy in change by hiring diversity advisors and creating robust policies.
‘In the long-term, we need active affirmative action programmes to embed diversity into the org-culture. We must ensure Black talent is recruited, rewarded and raised to leadership. This includes mentoring and creating specific programmes that support Black employees.’
‘Listen to your Black employees’ – a 26-year-old in marketing
‘My company has ignored everything that is going on and it has made me feel unsettled. Honestly, I am considering leaving my job.
‘My company has ignored the Black Lives Matter movement, and on multiple occasions, my cry for change. As the only non-white female in the workplace, I do not feel comfortable, valued or that I have a voice.
‘I want to see my company prioritise diverse recruitment on all levels, followed by focus groups to understand what we need so we can hold them accountable. Compulsory workshops must be created to educate employees on the impact of racism on our society today. Microaggression seminars are good to start with.
‘I also want to know that I will be able to progress here despite my challenges as a Black woman. I want to see career development programmes to even out the playing field.’
‘Ensure diversity schemes are supported by all’ – a 26-year-old in financial services
‘I was not impressed with how slow my firm was to react to the Black Lives Matter movement. But for the Black community, it was like time stood still. While this was not the first incident and it will not be the last, it was the one that broke the camel’s back. I remember thinking “despite being in lockdown, despite going through a global pandemic, racism is still killing us”.
‘One week later, my firm pushed out a statement that was flimsy and failed to address the real issues. Many of us made our anger apparent; we made sure we were heard and did not hold back. The firm finally realised that we could not be ignored any longer. So they arranged meetings, webinars and calls.
‘The ball is now rolling. Schemes and initiatives have been put in place. But to feel supported as a Black employee, I want open dialogue because these schemes mean nothing if non-Black employees are not buying into them.
‘I want to see change at all levels, including discussing issues at our desks and in our team meetings. But to be truly candid, I need reassurance that I will not be punished for sharing my story.’
Do you have a story to share?
Get in touch by emailing MetroLifestyleTeam@Metro.co.uk.
MORE: How workplaces can fight racism beyond hiring more Black and ethnic minority staff
MORE: Questions to ask your manager if your workplace asks you to head back to the office post-lockdown
MORE: Black employees share experiences of workplace racism using #BlackInTheOffice