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Postmaster goes on 550 mile round trip to deliver package on time

David Shepherd, Manager of Stratton Stores Post Office, Stratton, near Bude, Cornwall, who made an epic overnight road and train journey to deliver customer Hugh Monro's passport after an administrative error. Daily Mail
David Shepherd went the extra mile to make sure a package was delivered on time. (Picture: SWNS)

Yep, this is the guy we want around next time we forget our mum’s birthday.

When postmaster David Shepherd from Stratton, Cornwall, realised that an important package hadn’t been put in the pile for the last delivery of the day, he decided to stop at nothing to make sure it reached where it needed to go.

Hugh Munro, from Rye, Sussex, had arranged for his… Read the full story

Man proposes to girlfriend with secret messages hidden in bank transfer

Mum ‘checks in’ on daughter at school disco, embarrasses the hell out of her


Let’s face it, mums can be pretty embarrassing at the best of times. 

This mum, however, is reminding us of all the most embarrassing torment we faced as children with this one terrifying video.

What was her crime? ‘Checking in’ on her daughter Beth as she danced away at her school disco.

Oh, the shame.

Apparently we mustn’t worry about Beth though. Her dad Judd Bagley, who posted the video on YouTube, said she ‘loves the attention’ and was ‘having fun’.

‘Beth had her 9th grade night dance and asked us not to chaperone,’ he says. ‘We respected her wishes but decided to drop in to see what she was up to. Priceless reaction.’

Thank god someone got it on camera.


Dad finds pretty sexually suggestive extract in In The Night Garden book

Is this extract from an In The Night Garden book as innocent as it seems Credit: BBC PICTURE ARCHIVES
(Picture: CBeebies)

An unintentionally suggestive extract from In The Night Garden has been entertaining of parents in a most unexpected way. 

A photograph of the page in question from the book, based on the popular CBeebies children’s television series, was uploaded to The Unmumsy Mum Facebook page yesterday and has since been shared 17,000 times.

After uploading a photo of the page, David Lordan wrote: ‘Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this is a bit off? I’m guessing igglepiggle got a bit excited. Happens to us all big fella.’

Others were also relatively quick… Read the full story

Woman spends £6,000 on a lavish hen-do… for her dog

School introduces ‘buddy bench’ where kids can sit to let others know they need a friend


At Willowgrove School in Saskatoon, Canada, there’s a green bench in the playground where kids can go when they’re looking for a friend.

The newly installed… Read the full story

Toddler gets pulled over by police in new pink ride after running a stop sign

Yes officer (Picture: Philly Police/Facebook)

This is the moment an eight-month-old got a stern talking to from the local police after blatantly flouting the rules of the road in her new hot pink wheels.

The toddler was caught joyriding round her local neighbourhood in her brand new car over the Easter break.

Philadelphia police officer Walter Nejman said he found eight-month-old Reigen roaming the streets and giggling in her car.

He was forced to pull her over and caution her after she ran a stop sign.

As the police department explained in a Facebook post last week: ‘Apparently, this motorist thought that a posted Stop Sign was only a suggestion, and a “slide” would suffice. Uh,… Read the full story

102-year-old gran born in a chippy says secret to long life is cuddles and giving zero f**ks

Dora Rixham, 102 of Sheffield. Chipshop born Dora still loves a plate of fish and chips. See rossparry copy RPYBIRTH: A grandmother who delivered the first ever crisps to pubs in her hometown has celebrated her 102nd birthday surrounded by family and friends. Sprightly Dora Rixham was born in her father's fish and chip shop and remembers he was the first person in Sheffield, South Yorks., to sell crisps in the area. As a young 12-year-old girl, Dora would deliver the salted treats to pubs across the city.
Dora still enjoys music, dancing and a regular plate of fish and chips (Picture: Ross Parry)

Dora Rixham was born in her dad’s chip shop… Read the full story

20 easy recipes for using up your leftovers

(Picture: Sneaky Veg)
(Picture: Sneaky Veg)

However good our intentions most of us in the UK end up throwing away a lot of food. Veg gone bad at the back of the fridge? Bananas just too spotty? Kids didn’t like their tea? Overcatered for a dinner party? It’s not easy to avoid chucking stuff away.

We throw away a shocking 7 million tonnes of food and drink a year. This costs us £12.5bn a year and is terrible for the environment.

One solution is to find interesting recipes for using up your leftovers. Here are 20 tasty and simple leftover recipes:

1. Leftover chicken lasagne

Instagram Photo

Make a whole new… Read the full story

15 adulting fails we’ve all experienced



Welcome to adulthood, it’s pretty much all downhill from this point onwards.

Sure you can stay up as late as you want, watch old cartoon episodes of Arthur non-stop on repeat, and even eat cereal for dinner.

But that’s where the fun ends.

You’re also faced with important stuff like actually looking after yourself (much harder than you originally imagined), budgeting and making your own dentist appointments.

It’s just plain bloody awful, and we wish a little bit that we were still kids.

1. Budgeting

You decide to sit down with a fancy looking Excel spreadsheet and decide to sort you life out.

A few hours later, and several mini shocks after discovering exactly how much you spend on your weekly coffee addiction you’ve made a budget and you’re determined to stick to it.

This lasts precisely 37 minutes, and then you’re back to throwing money around like you’re P. Diddy. Except you aren’t, so it’s back to your overdraft you… Read the full story

Sushi burgers are a thing but, the truth is, it will never work

Don’t let them fool you. Nothing good can come from this (Picture: condospalillos/Instagram)

Don’t get sucked in by the pretty pictures.

These sushi burgers might look incredible and tasty and heavenly, but they will leave you with broken dreams.

Because a burger bun made out of sticky rice just won’t work.

It takes the burger blueprint and totally rips it up. Burgers are supposed to be something you can pick up in your hand and enjoy anytime, anywhere.

But, you can’t just enjoy a sushi burger al fresco. This is madness.

Vegan food blogger Sam from ‘So Beautifully Raw’ introduced the concept of the sushi burger to the good people of Instagram earlier this week and people… Read the full story

15 reasons you should never move out of home

People will make tea for you (Picture: Getty)

Remember that time when you couldn’t wait to be grown up and living independently?

Living at home may be frustrating and we may claim, ‘I’m not a kid anymore you know?’

But when it comes to arranging our own doctor’s appointments or paying bills, we wish we were kids again.

Now we’d do anything to get away from the real world of adulting.

Here’s 15 reasons not to leave home.


1. You can get away with not cooking meals

Let someone else do the cooking and eat with your family (you can save money too!)

2. You can get out of… Read the full story

These are the things you should never order from fast food restaurants

This is safe. (Picture: Getty)

Look, we all know that if we’re picking up a burger that’s ready in two minutes at 2am, we probably can’t pat ourselves on the back for getting a wholesome, healthy meal full of goodness.

But there are some menu options that are worse than others. Not just in terms of calories and fat – because we really aren’t bothered about that when we’re making a McDonald’s run – but in terms of actual goodness. As in the ‘hey, I wouldn’t eat that if I were you’ factor.

A new Reddit thread is sharing all the things we probably shouldn’t order at fast food restaurants; as picked by the people that… Read the full story

People are loving this mum’s list of parenting fails

Employee reveals what it’s really like to work nights at McDonald’s

Ever wondered what goes down late night at Maccy’s? (Picture: YouTube)

If you’ve ever wondered what goes down at 3am in the world of 24-hour McDonald’s, then your prayers have been answered.

Because a night shift worker called Sarah from McDonald’s Australia has revealed all via a Reddit Ask Me Anything.

‘Worked in McDonalds 2+ years. Feel like I’ve seen every kind of customer. Feel free to ask me anything,’ Sarah wrote.

Fellow McDonald’s overnight staff (those long-suffering people that dole out the Quarter Pounders with Cheese to your drunk selves without judgement) also got involved to give us a window into their world.

21 things only house proud people will understand

(Picture: Getty)

Does the littlest thing out of place in your home frustrate you? Are you so obsessed with home decor trends that once you’ve decorated a room you already have ideas for how to decorate it next time around?

If you’re nodding your head to all of these then you’re certainly house proud.

Here are 21 things everyone who loves their home can relate to:

1. You cannot stand people who don’t take their shoes off when they come in the front door.

2. Even if a room has been decorated it’s still not finished in your eyes. The trimmings such as the lanterns and candle holders are what make a room complete.

3. You clean before the… Read the full story

Colourful smoke bombs are the coolest new wedding trend

(Picture: Getty)

Flowers, candles, trees? So passé. Everyone cool is now jazzing up their wedding photos with smoke bombs. Get with it.

Smoke bombs, if you’re not in the know, are little (totally safe, as long as you don’t point them in someone’s face) bombs that you can pull open to send a massive cloud of colourful smoke into the air.

Once opened you can gently move your smoke bomb around to create colourful streaks.

Which all looks magical and gorgeous and provides the perfect backdrop for loved up wedding photos. Fancy.

They look amazing exploded just before a kiss

Instagram Photo


Or popped off for the group bridesmaid shot

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This kid doesn’t understand time but he doesn’t care because he’s Batman


This is Grayson. Grayson doesn’t measure the passage of time like the rest of us. 

You may think he looks like he’s about two-years-old but you… Read the full story

Why do we celebrate April Fools Day? The history of April 1st pranks

'April - Fooling', c1839. Illustration from Stubbs's Calendar; or, The Fatal Boots by William Makepeace Thackeray, (1839). (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)
‘April – Fooling’, c1839. Illustration from Stubbs’s Calendar (Picture: Getty Images)

April Fools’ Day is nearly upon us again but have you ever wondered why we celebrate it?

Well, unfortunately the joke’s on us because while we spend days plotting how to trick our colleagues, friends and family, nobody really knows why we actually do so.

What we do know is that the tradition dates back hundreds of years, and everyone celebrates the day by generally being a bit of a d*ck to your friends and family.

Here are some of the theories as to how… Read the full story

This restaurant has a fridge outside that’s filled with leftovers for anyone in need

restaurant puts fridge
Pappadavada has a special fridge open all day, every day. (Picture: Facebook/Pappadava)

When Minu Pauline looked outside her restaurant, Pappadavada, and saw a homeless woman digging through a rubbish bin to find a meal, she knew she had to do something.

She decided to put a special fridge just outside the restaurant, where leftovers would be left for anyone in need to take and enjoy.

Minu encourages customers to place any uneaten food into the fridge instead of taking home a doggy bag. The restaurant itself leaves around 80 portions of food in the fridge each day.

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